[S4] - Trouble

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

F/n grunted as her head hit the back of the truck where a small window resided. She held her head and opened the small window as she glared at Katsuki, "Can't you be more careful?"

Katsuki rolled his eyes and flipped her off while Shoto shook his head and apologized to her.

Huffing, F/n closed the window and peered back ahead to the dead lying on the road. Next to her, Izuku chuckled as he held a notebook in his hand, "Kacchan seems to be aggravated a lot more."

"Well it's been four days and we've had to take many detours." F/n shrugged, "I'd be mad too."

Izuku hummed as he continued to write in his notebook. The girl wondered if he continued to write down the days or simple things that popped in his mind.

She looked away and glanced back at the scenery. She rested her head on the back of the truck, a bit annoyed when the truck moved as it would cause her head to bump. She closed her eyes and hoped that they were nearer to their destination.

Though, she knew that hope wasn't with her.

"Godamnit." Katsuki muttered as the truck slowed down and the engine sputtered. They came to a halt on a road and luckily, there weren't any rotters nearby and so the four got off the truck with F/n helping Izuku.

They headed to the front to check it out as smoke was beginning to come out. Katsuki muttered and glanced at F/n, "Ain't there something you can do?"

"Nah." F/n shook her head as she leaned on her leg, "You hear that engine sputtering and that smoke coming out? S'not a good sign."

"You fixed it before though." Shoto said as he covered his nose from the smoke smell.

"It only needed gas." F/n sighed, "If we were to fix it we would need a whole bunch of shit and I doubt the parts are just going to be lying around."

Huffing, Izuku began to walk to the back of the truck, "We should get our stuff and head out then."

Before he could pull himself up, Katsuki yelled and smacked his head, "What did I say about resting that arm, Deku!? Me and Icy hot got it."

Izuku huffed as Katsuki and Shoto began to drop their supplies and hand F/n the guns. Thankfully, there were only four duffel bags with supplies as each contained its own separate necessities.

As F/n slipped her hand through the sling of the duffel, Katsuki yanked the gun bag from her. She glared at him while he passed it to Shoto and passed her the medical supplies instead.

"Don't need you shooting at everything you come across." Katsuki said, which made F/n scoff. "At least I know how to shoot."

Katsuki rolled his eyes and passed Izuku the ammo as it was less heavy seeing as there were only a few left. With him holding the food, they began to make their way up as Shoto held the map. "There's a town not far from where we stand."

"How far?" Izuku asked as he lingered in the back with F/n.

"A few minutes walk." Shoto replied.

"'Kay, let's head there and look for a fucking car." Katsuki said and picked up his pace making the others walk faster.

"Hey." Shoto turned his head a bit at F/n curiously, "How do you know so much about fixing cars? Was it because you were in engineering class? Izuku had mentioned you went to U.A."

F/n scratched her nape, "Ah, yes I did go to U.A, but I was hardly ever there so I never went to class. I learned how to fix cars from my dad."

"Is that how you learned to shoot and hot wire?" Izuku asked and hummed when F/n nodded. "Yeah, everything I do know was because of him. He was in the police academy and was a bit paranoid of the world ending."

"Thought he was a damn criminal." Katsuki said, "Who the hell teaches their kid how to shoot and turn on a car."

F/n shrugged, "My dad was just really paranoid."

Shoto hummed and looked ahead as the town was in view. They all stopped as a few rotters were laying next to cars and a few roaming slowly.

"We just need a car and then we'll leave." Katsuki said as he began to approach a nearby van. The rest followed behind with F/n being last, Izuku in the middle and Shoto behind Katsuki.

Izuku felt bad for F/n being behind but the girl told him to not worry as he couldn't fight because his wound wasn't yet healed.

With Katsuki and Shoto opening the vans door as quietly as they could. F/n peeked her head out to the side of the van as she glanced at every store and smiled when she saw a firearm store. She peered back to her friends as Katsuki had called her to start the van.

As she did so, she mentioned the store, "There might be suppressors that we can find. That way the dead and people nearby won't know it's us."

"No." Izuku shook his head, "We'll look somewhere else. For now we just need a car."

Her fingers twisted two wires together as she showed it to Katsuki to teach him how it's done, "It could be usefu–"

"I'll go." Shoto said, which caused the three to look at him.

"Is that really necessary?" Izuku asked, "Why would we need it if we'll be on the road? Besides, don't you think we shouldn't kill every human we come across?"

"It's not just humans, Izuku." F/n said as she got out of the car as it turned on, "It's the dead too."

Katsuki glanced at the firearm before looking back to Shoto and F/n, "Fine, but be quick."

Nodding, the two leave their duffel bags and take a pistol with them as they slowly begin to approach the firearm. At the front, Shoto entered first and made sure no rotters were around. When the coast was clear, he motioned for F/n to follow as she shut the door behind her.

They looked around and noticed that there was hardly anything, the store had been ransacked.

"Your dad was an officer." Shoto began as he looked over the counter, "You think you might know where the silencers are at?"

"Yeah." F/n said as she let out a disappointed sigh.

"What is it?" Shoto peered at as she pointed to the broken glass counter. "That's where it should be."

Shoto let out a sigh, "There's none left then. We should go before Katsuki decides to leave us."

"Wait." F/n said as she walked to the backroom. The dual haired male followed after her and watched as she scoped the area. She then walked to a fridge and crouched down looking underneath.

She smiled as she got up and tried to move the fridge, "People are great hiders."

Shoto walked over to her and helped her move the fridge to the side. His eyebrows raised as they found two silencers. Picking them up, they made their way out of the store and into the van where Katsuki and Izuku waited.

"About damn time." Katsuki huffed and began to drive, "Did you find anything."

Shoto nodded as he put the suppressors into the ammo bag, "Two silencers."

Katsuki nodded as his eyes glanced at F/n and Izuku through the rear view mirror before looking back to the road. In the back, F/n helped Izuku clean his gunshot wound. She smiled when she looked at it, "Seems to be healing fine."

"That's good." Izuku smiled as he put a gauze pad over it.

HIs heart raced when her fingers lightly grazed his skin as she wrapped the bandage with a medical tape. He tried to fight back a blush when he realized that he was shirtless in front of the girl and when she smiled at him.

He looked away and instead glanced ahead, thinking that maybe if the world had not gone to shit he would have possibly asked F/n to a school dance or to the movies. He mentally sighed, if only if the world hadn't gone to shit. 

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