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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

When the sun arrived, Katsuki and Shoto knew that Izuku and F/n weren't coming after they heard gunshots. They feared the worst and instead of their death plaguing their thoughts they both left the van and made their way to where Izuku and F/n were last seen.

They had little hope of finding them when Shoto nudged Katsuki and pointed to the ground where a gun that Shoto gave Izuku was laying. With a solemn face, they continued their way.

"You think they might still be alive?" Shoto said as he wiped some blood off his cheeks.

"I don't know." Katsuki grumbled, his eyes searching the ground for footprints. He then looked up with an annoyed look as there were too many footprints from the dead.

He was glad that F/n had taught him while they were on the road, before they saw Shoto.

"You see that." F/n pointed to the ground, "You see how the footprints are all scattered?"

Katsuki nods, "What is it?"

"You tell me." She said and looked at Katsuki.

The blonde rolled his eyes at her and stared at the footprints intently, "An animal?'s the dead."

He looked up at her and grinned when she nodded. "Damn, I'm getting pretty good at this. Pretty soon me and Deku won't need you."

"Yeah, yeah." F/n rolled her eyes as she smiled. She then walked a few steps ahead and stopped before pointing back at the ground, "What do you think that is?"

Katsuki hummed as he looked at it, "Well, the steps seem calm and it seems like they're not all over the place so," he then glared at F/n, "How do you expect me to learn when Deku's the one who's making these damn prints!?"

F/n crossed her arms, "You got to know the difference from a human and the dead. And besides, it's not just Izuku's steps. It's mine as well. Do you see how the prints go over each other?"

His mind was brought back when he and Shoto stopped near a river. They watched as a few rotters tried to move but they seemed to be stuck.

"We should go over." Shoto said and began to move into the river, "Maybe they made it to the other side."

He shivered as the cold water went up to his hips, he held the duffel bag of ammo so it wouldn't get wet. Katsuki followed behind as he to shivered from the water.

When they made it on land, Katsuki's eyes widened as he saw rushing footprints, "Someone's nearby."

"Where?" Shoto said as he held his gun and looked around.

"Come on." Katsuki said and followed the footprints, "Maybe Deku or F/n is around. One of them passed the river."

"What makes you so sure?" The dual-haired male said as he looked at the footprints, "Those could be anybody's."

"Have a little faith, will you?" Katsuki scoffed, "None of this shit would have happened if you went with them. Everything would've been fine."

"You weren't planning on coming." Shoto responded as he glared at the blonde, "I'm not dense. I knew and even Izuku knew you were planning on dying in order for us to be safe. Everything wouldn't have been fine."

He looked ahead, "And I do have faith. But the chances of ever seeing them again when we don't even know if they're still out here is little. I'm just stating the obvious."

Katsuki rolled his eyes and continued forward until the footprints died down and other footprints–the dead–were on top of it. He felt frustrated as they exited the forest and entered a broken gated community.

"Maybe one of them is here." Shoto said and marched forward.

"Maybe." Katsuki whispered and followed after Shoto.

With little help, they both threw their duffel bags to the other side and pulled themselves up onto the brick walls. They jumped down and picked up their bags before walking further.

It felt eerie the more they walked into the town. It was so quiet that they swore they could hear their shuffling footsteps echoing through the town. They did find it odd that there seemed to be no rotters roaming.

"That's strange that there's no dead." Shoto looked at every house they passed. He found most of them boarded up with planks and chains.

"Someone might have already claimed this as their own." Katsuki thought as he also noticed the houses boarded up.

Shoto stopped as he looked at a two story house that wasn't sealed, "We should check this place out. See if someone left food."

Katsuki looked up at the house, his gun cocking, "Okay."

Opening and closing the door, they separated and watched their steps. Their ears listened to any movement that wasn't them. While Katsuki was downstairs, Shoto headed upstairs.

He silently cursed the floorboards that creaked underneath him with every step he made. He kept his gun lowered as he opened every door. He would ransack the room and check possible hiding spots but he sighed as he found nothing.

Running his hands over his face, he let out a frustrated groan and kicked a few boxes nearby. He stomped on them until they were flat or unproportional. He sat down and stared at his hand.

He felt so disappointed and ashamed with himself for not arguing and coming up with a different plan back at the van. If he had, then Izuku and F/n would still be here and they would still be a group.

Now, all he thought about was that one day he would see their rotting corpses trying to eat him.

He let out a sigh and stared at nothing. That was until his eyes caught a latch underneath some hanged clothes. Bewilder, he opened it, a few creaks echoed in the closet. His eyebrows raised as he pulled out a corn canned food.

"Better than nothing." He then made his way downstairs where he saw Katsuki sitting in the with a bored look, "Found something."

The blonde looked up at him, "Great. Fucking corn. Exactly what we need."

The other male rolled his eyes and sat down. He pulled out his knuckle knife and began to open the can. The two sat in the small kitchen, their own thoughts and hope plaguing their minds. 

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