The fallen city

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The green-haired male let out a sigh as he waited for the dead to pass by. Today was a stormy day and he wondered if his friends were out in the rain or in shelter. He didn't like to think that his friends were dead so he imagined they were still alive and surviving and trying to look for each other.

His eyes peered above him to the car window where raindrops splattered. So far, it's been a day since he got separated from F/n, Katsuki, and Shoto. This morning he had exited the forest and came across a road where a few cars stayed.

He searched every car and was disappointed when all he found were clothes and photo albums. He disregarded his old bloody shirt and changed into a new one. He was beginning to get concerned as he didn't know where he was or where he was heading.

He wanted to circle back to the van but he didn't know if there were still a lot of rotters roaming and besides, he was so busy running that he hadn't realized where he turned thus making him lost.

It didn't make it any better when he had no weapon on him. He dropped his gun when it ran out of ammo.

So now, all he could do was wait inside this trashy car until the rain stopped pouring and the dead passed by. He eased his nerves and eventually, with the sound of thunder and moans, he fell asleep clutching the duffel bag of medical supplies.

When morning arrived, he picked up his bag and left the car. He made sure there were no signs of any rotters lingering and made his way to what he hoped out of the forest. Every dead he came across he made sure to keep a distance and occasionally run as he didn't have anything to defend himself.

To the male, he felt like hours had passed by. The more he walked down the road he began to feel sluggish and hungry. He hoped that at least a cabin or a house were to be up ahead.

He found it a good sign when the trees began to disappear, but his smile vanished as he felt uneasy when he saw a highway. Up ahead, he saw tall buildings indicating he was heading into a city.

He knew it was a bad idea to enter seeing as he had nothing but bandaids, but maybe he could find food or at least water. He was put at ease as there were no dead, which surprised him.

The more he ventured in, he wondered if there was a sanctuary. He did remember Katsuki saying that each city has a sanctuary that an army controlled. Maybe, this city has one as well and actually has people.

He internally let out a sigh and looked to his left where a small restaurant resided. Wiping the dusty window, he peered inside to find any movement or any sign of struggles. When he didn't see anything, he went to the doors and opened it slowly.

The door was a bit hard to open so Izuku had to use his strength. He winced as he put strength on the arm where he was wounded.

He cautiously entered and let out a sigh of relief as no dead were inside. He closed the door and placed a table with chairs in front of the door. He was thankful for the restaurant being small.

He placed the medical bag on top of the bar counter and jumped over it. He made his way into the kitchen and began to search for food and water. He searched cupboards, cabinets, shelfs, pantries and found nothing.

He gagged and covered his nose when he opened a walk-in freezer and saw a rotter sitting down and the smell from the spoiled meat. He closed and locked the freezer, stepping away to be in front of a fridge.

He closed his eyes, hands on the rail as he prayed for food and water. Opening the fridge, he slowly opened his eyes and relief washed over his face when he saw a 12 pack of water, trail mix nuts, peanut butter and a flashlight.

Taking everything out he set it on top of the bar where his medical supply rested. He grabbed a water bottle and chugged it until there was nothing left. He crushed the water bottle and sat down on the stool.

Before he ate, he cleaned his wound as he didn't want to get it infected by food crumbs. Once he finished, he opened the trail mix and began to chew. He felt annoyed as the nuts were a bit stale but that didn't stop him.

He ate everything including the raisins. He looked back out the window as the rain once again came back. Getting up from his seat, he climbed over a booth and closed the curtains. He proceeded to do this with every window until it was dark inside the restaurant.

Going back to the kitchen, Izuku grabbed a knife and spoon. With the spoon in hand he began to eat the peanut butter as he thought. Since he had no weapon, he could use the kitchen knife as one.

He worried though that the kitchen knife would not cause enough damage to the dead. What would happen if he were to run into another human that tried to cause him harm?

A kitchen utensil surely wouldn't do damage considering that everyone now had effective weapons. Izuku didn't know what to do. He felt useless and disappointed in himself.

As much as he hated it, he knew he was never going to see his friends–his family ever again. Only a miracle could do that and miracles no longer exist in a world infested with monsters that eat humans.

He hoped that Katsuki and Shoto were together and trying to find him and F/n. He hoped that F/n was also trying to look for each other.

Izuku knew that they could handle each other. But what scared the male was that he didn't know if he could handle the living the same way she did. He wasn't as strong as them and it terrified him that he might die before he ever got to see them again.

Perhaps, he simply wasn't meant for this world.

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now