F/n: With you beside me

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The day the outbreak started

The TV echoed through the two story house. The teens, kids and adults listened quietly as the news alarmed them. It broadcasted them to be alarmed and to stay quarantined until the virus is no longer a threat. To not help anyone who might be infected and avoid anyone who seemed or acted strange.

Then the power cut off and all signal was lost.

F/n's mom had gasped quietly, her grandmother and her aunt held her hand near her chest, her grandfather got up along with her father, her little sister was confused, her aunt was panicking and her cousin stayed still.

Her grandfather and father came into the room with shotguns and ammo. It terrified the rest of the family. Her mother quickly ushered the kids to the kitchen so she can make them something to eat and distract herself.

From the kitchen, F/n heard arguments coming from the living room. She could hear her aunt and father and grandfather arguing. Her grandmother tried calming them down but it wasn't working as her voice was too low.

She eyed her shaking mother as she cooked and then her cousin that sat in front of her, "Mom, me and Hanta are going upstairs to my room."

Her mother turned around with a nervous look, "Oh, sweetie, I think we should all stay down here. Be together."

"Don't worry." Hanta smiled to reassure his aunt, "If anything happens, we'll shout out."

M/n placed her hand on her chest, "Of course, please be careful."

The two nodded and headed to F/n's room. While Hanta reached underneath her bed, F/n headed for the radio flipped through channels. She sighed though and sat next to her cousin on the floor, "Nothing but static."

Hanta opened the shoe box and pulled out a pack of cards, "Your moms kind of high strung."

"Who wouldn't be." F/n continued to flip through channels, "With the news broadcasting about a virus and to be quarantined."

"Yeah, but," Hanta pulled out a hunting knife from the shoe box, "You live on a farm with a dad who's a survivalist. You're practically isolated."

F/n looked at him and noted his crestfallen face, "Are you worried about your dad?"

His shoulders fell, "He's in the city. Who knows how bad it is out there."

F/n set down the radio and held his hands. She stared into his eyes with a smile, "Whatever happens, Hanta, we'll stick together, forever."

Two months had gone; the fences were secured, a small garden was set next to the house as well as one behind the house and the horses stable had to be rebuilt from the storm that happened a few weeks ago.

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