All is lost

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Closing the door behind them, they each scatter around to find good clothing. While Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki hang in the men's section, F/n heads to womens. She scans until she finds something then heads to the jackets area then to the shoes.

She looks towards her companions, "You guys see a fitting room?"

Izuku and Shoto look around before shaking their heads. Katsuki points to where the door is busted down, "You mean that one?"

F/n lets out a sigh, "Great."

Glancing back to her friends, she gives them a knowing look. They of course turn around with red cheeks. Yes, although they had their fair share of seeing many women, it would be awkward seeing her considering they'd see her everyday and practically live with her. It's just awkward.

While she dressed, the boys did the same, just more quickly. When she was done, she crouched down to put on her shoes. Hearing her friends move around she figured she would stay on the ground until they were done changing.

She checked her gun to see how much ammo she has. Thankfully, the chamber was full. Looking ahead, she noted that a door to the back was swinging open. She slowly stood up and steadily walked towards.

Seeing F/n warily move, Izuku rushed to her side. His movement caused Shoto and Katsuki to follow after. When she reached the door, she slowly opened before closing it shut with wide eyes.

Reaching her, Izuku noticed her shaken look, "What is it?"

"Uh, nothing." F/n said and let a smile fall on her lips.

Izuku could tell she wasn't smiling sincerely. When Shoto and Katsuki arrived F/n asked them if they were ready to go. They nodded but stared at her quizzically. F/n began walking out the door as the three stayed back for a while.

They eyed the door before a sorrowful look was thrown when they heard a tiny, raspy, squeaky moaning voice coming from behind the door. They didn't stay long and soon followed after F/n.

"How are we supposed to know which way we're going without a map?" Izuku asked, stuffing his gun between his waistband and pulling out his knife.

"Have you learned nothing, Deku?" Katsuki rolled his eyes in irritation, "We look for a damn map.

This time, Izuku rolled his eyes at him, "Do you see one lying around, Kachaan?"

Shaking her head in disapproval, F/n left the two behind to argue while she and Shoto walked forward. The dead had seemed to move away overnight as the town was quiet besides a few mossy rotters lying on the floor.

Shoto eyed one on the road, "I never noticed how docile they get without food."

F/n hummed, "It's a good thing. Rather have them like that then chase after us trying to take a bite."

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now