Familiar eyes

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

They puffed, slowing down as they couldn't continue further. They hoped that something would draw their attention, giving them a break. The horde was just right behind them and the two childhood friends began to slow down considering they ran more.

They also dodge the ones that try to come at them as they knew fighting would only slow them down. And Shoto knew they couldn't continue any more as more dead merged into the horde which did not ease their worries.

The dual-haired male looked at the building and when he found one that seemed to have no dead inside, he quickly ordered the rest to follow and they soon entered the building with Izuku tripping from a dead grabbing at his feet.

Thankfully, the rotters hand detached as the glass door slammed shut and its bloody, skeleton hand gripped on Izuku's jeans. They dropped the duffel bags as Shoto, F/n and Katsuki held the door shut while Izuku sneered as he threw the hand away.

"Deku, hurry up and find an exit!" Katsuki grunted as the rotters banged the door.

Hurrying up on his feet, Izuku looked around and was disappointed as nothing seemed sturdy enough to hold the door, "Okay, okay, just hold on, okay!"

With Izuku running off, the glass began to crack, worrying the three. Shoto grunted, "This door isn't going to hold on any longer!"

"You don't think we know that, idiot!" The blonde readjusted himself.

The girl beside them began to slide as the door pushed against her back. She tried using more force but the door cracking worried her, "Where the hell is Izuku!"

Just in time, Izuku came back and waved them to follow and soon the door shattered. They left the bags as it would slow them down and quickly followed Izuku who entered a room with stairs leading them downstairs. They quickly shut the door behind them.

"Now what?" Shoto asked, eying the wooden door that had seen better days. Katsuki pointed his flashlight down the stairs, "We go down."

"Do we even know what is down there?" F/n asked, "We left the bag of guns and food out there. You guys have weapons right? I only have a knife."

"A knife." Shoto checked his pockets, "And a bullet that I'm sure we don't have the gun for."

Katsuki pulled out a dried stained bloody gun and checked the chamber, "4 bullets. Shit."

The door banged, the growls could be heard as Izuku pulled his flickering light out, "I got nothing."

They all looked down where they could see another door, though this time it was red and metal. "Guess down we go."

With Katsuki being first, he slowly opened the door and flashed his light and waited to hear any sign of movement. When nothing was heard, he went inside with others following. He shined his light to his feet when he heard water splashing, "We're in a sewer."

"That can't be good." Shoto said as he tried squinting in the dark, "We're practically in a maze."

"And we'll be stuck in the dark when the flashlight dies." F/n then grabbed the light from Izuku's hand, "You can't defend yourself, stay close."

He felt bothered by the comment, "I can still defend myself."

She only hummed as she shined the light around, "Watch your steps. A dead might be down here."

"Great." Katsuki sucked his teeth in annoyance, "We're basically walking right into their fucking disgusting mouths. Thanks a lot, Deku."

"It's not like I had a choice to pick we're we wanted to go." He rolled his eyes at him then muttered, "Maybe you should've gone if you think you can do better."

"I can do better!" Katsuki was then hushed from Shoto, earning a glare.

"Shut up. Do you guys smell that?" He asked and stopped walking. The others also stopped and groaned in disgust as they covered their noses.

"What is that?" Izuku asked, his shirt not helping to cover the smell.

"Smells like shit." Katsuki looked around.

F/n moved her light around and noticed a hallway to their left, where she spotted what seemed like a light in the distance, "That's probably where it's coming from."

The three looked to where she pointed and soon began to walk there. They turned the lights off as they reached it. From the ceiling hung fluorescent lights, some were fine while others looked like it would give up at any moment.

"It's the dead." F/n said as she looked to the left where a pile of dead rotters laid. Moss began to grow on some of them. It appeared like they had been there for a while and so the four left it alone and continued further.

"Isn't it a bit strange that the lights still work?" Shoto questioned.

"It is strange." Izuku hummed, "Maybe it has its own power source."

"Who the fuck would be running it though." Katsuki looked at the few graffiti that stained the mossy gray brick walls.

The three then look at F/n who eyed them strangely, "Don't look at me. I know nothing about power sources or stuff like that."

"You know how to hotwire a car but not this?" Katsuki scoffingly laughed.

Shoto rolled his eyes at the blonde's comment, "Figured since you know everything you would also know this."

"Well I don't." She gripped her knife, "And hotwiring is different. Just a few wires that you have to connect and hope for the best so you don't get electrocuted."

Izuku turned around and saw a rat scurrying by, "Well, as long as whoever controls it isn't here is all that matters. Last thing we need is for us to get trapped and hunted down in these tunnels."

Shoto muttered to himself, "Who thought it'd be a great idea to not put up a sign of where you are."

They turn and soon come across a four way turn. In the middle was a walkable passage with stop signs. They stopped, unsure of which way to head and splitting up was out of the question.

"Feels like we went deeper." F/n said, looking around. Shoto and Izuku nod.

"Look." Katsuki pointed at a faded arrow sign, "We should go this way."

The others nodded and continued that way. After some time of walking down, they soon turned and the lights ahead were off. It seemed like it was time for their flashlights.

"Way to take us to the dark, Katsuki." F/n earned a scoff from him. "I didn't hear you complaining."

Izuku let out a small sigh, "You think we should go back and head in a different direction? More lights mean a good sign."

"I think we should." Shoto looked to the distance, "At least we know what's around us–"

They stayed quiet as clanking and footsteps could be heard. They readied their weapons as they thought a rotter had found its way inside. However, the sound of a familiar voice made them lower their weapons. But when they saw the males, their eyes widened in hope.

"Sometimes, I still wonder how you made it this far, Denki."

[Season 5: Complete]

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