Determined to survive, stay alive

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Two days had passed by ever since Izuku reconnected with his childhood friend. Sitting in the backyard with the fire going, Izuku smiled as he watched his childhood friend argue with his other friend who replied with sarcastic remarks.

He watched as Katsuki glared and bumped his finger on F/n's forehead while she gave him an empty face. For a moment, as Izuku listened to F/n and watched Katsuki's action, she kind of reminded him of his other friend.


Although, Shoto didn't often know he was being sarcastic and rude towards Katsuki. Yet still, Izuku saw a bit of Shoto in F/n, and it kind of made him sad. As he sat, he wondered if Shoto was alive, safe and in better condition.

"You are so fucking annoying!" Katsuki's yell pulled Izuku out of his thoughts.

"Maybe I am, but at least I wasn't the one cuddled up next to me all night and kicking." F/n said and watched as Katsuki's eyes widened.

With his ears turning red and cheeks dusting as well, Katsuki accusingly pointed at her, "That was you! You were the one who was turning all night and pressed up against me!"

"Hmm," F/n checked her nails, "that could be hard, seeing as how I am just frail. You practically smothered me."

"Yeah?" Katsuki glares at her, "Maybe, I'll actually smother you this time, bitch!"

Izuku's chuckles cause his friends to glance at him, "The hell are you laughing at, Deku!"

Izuku waves his hand, "It's just, it's been a long time since I've seen anyone make you this mad. Besides me that is!"

"Glad to make you laugh." F/n says and gives him a thumbs up, but Katsuki slaps her hand.

"Anyways, I was thinking," Izuku stands up and walks to the right side of the yard, "we should combine the house next door to ours. That way we can have enough room. Like gardening; planting more vegetables and fruits and not searching towns for certain produce."

"I think that's a great idea, Izuku." F/n says, "But, where are we going to find fences?"

"Sounds like a stupid idea. But," Katsuki says and lets out an exaggerated sigh, "there's this place where it holds furniture. I bet there's fences there too."

"How far?" Izuku says.

"Not far from the grocery store where you found me."

"Great!" Izuku smiles but is shortly gone, "The problem is how we bring it out here and install it."

"Not a problem." F/n says. She looked at Izuku and Katsuki who gave her a confused look, she then looked at Izuku with an expression, "I used to live on a farm, remember?"

"Oh right!" Izuku says, "Now, the problem is bringing it here."

Katsuki scoffs, "Ever heard of a car?"

Sheepishingly looking away, Izuku nods, "Right. Hot wiring it is."

With that, the three begin their new project and venture out to the streets in search for a decent truck. Izuku decided for the three to stay nearby incase of a rotter getting too close. They stayed near their house as several cars were parked in the street.

F/n stood back as watch while Katsuki leaned on an empty red truck glancing often at Izuku removing a plastic cover underneath the steering wheel. Once Izuku successfully managed to remove it, he stared at the wires that were behind the plastic. He watched the wires, wondering what to do next.

Growing impatient, Katsuki groaned, "You done yet, Deku?"

Izuku hummed, "I don't know how to wire a car."

"What!?" Katsuki yelled which made F/n flinch, "Why the hell didn't you say anything!?"

"The middle bundle of wires lead to the ignition, find a red wire and a yellow. Be careful as it could electrify you, then strip two centimeters of both and twist them together." F/n said with her arms crossed as she looked for rotters.

Katsuki stared at her, "How the hell do you know that?"

Izuku gave her a puzzled look before looking back at the wires he held, "This is going to take some time."

"It shouldn't." F/n said and waved for Izuku to get out of the car. The males watched as she held two wires in her hand and with the pocket knife, she stripped two centimeters of it and twisted the wires together. Eventually, the truck lights turned on and the engine road.

Izuku's eyes brightened in admiration, "You keep impressing me, F/n!"

"Where you a fucking criminal or what?" Katsuki asked, and he to was impressed.

F/n shrugged, "When your dad is an officer, you begin to learn a few things."

Before F/n could get out of the car, the radio of the car caught their attention. It was static at first before a male voice on the other line spoke, "Do not intent to engage. Do not intend to fight. A sanctuary is being held in Rhote. Those who arrive, survive."

It continued to speak, repeating the same lines over and over.

"I can't believe it's still going." Izuku said.

"It's almost been three months." Katsuki then said.

"You think the sanctuary is still alive?" F/n questioned.

"Possibly. If it's still being broadcasted then there has to be peop-" Izuku looked over to Katsuki who interrupted him. "No, I doubt it's still standing."

"What do you mean, Kacchan?"

The blonde crossed his arms, "Military control all sanctuaries. If a sanctuary is still running, you'd think that the army would come looking for any survivors, yet I had not seen one since this whole thing started."

"He's right." F/n said as she turned the radio off and got up from the car, "I hadn't seen any either. And not to mention, Rhote is a couple city's away from Musutafu. They'd be coming to nearer city's before going across the state."

Izuku hummed in thought, "I haven't seen one either, the radio must be on a time loop then. It's giving people false hope."

"Someone should disable it then. You think we should?" F/n asked.

"Nah," Katsuki began and got in the car, he then rolled down every window, "we got better things to do. Someone will eventually do it."

"You're right, Kacchan." Izuku then proceeded to walk towards the passenger seat.

F/n let out a sigh and got in the car as well, she sat behind Katsuki. While Katsuki and Izuku talked, F/n stared at the scenery in front of her, loads of cars with rotters melting from the sun were trapped inside.

She then stared at the seat in front of her, strays of blonde hair peeked out. Her eyes then drifted down to her feet; a picture of a family smiled back at her. She picked it up, her thumbs hovered each of the family's face as she thought of her own.

As she was in her own world, Katsuki would glance at her from the rearview mirror to see if she was alright back there.

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now