Chapter 3: Brother

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I ran as fast I could to make sure he was alright, I was used to running in heels but it was hurting like a bitch from the heel, once I make it up to the car, I see him laying on the ground with the mask on.

"Oh my god are you okay!" I ran up to him worried this motherfucker could be dead, he slowly moves his arms while he was covered in glass, people surrounding us as the cops made their way out of the car holding their weapons.

"Fuck" He groaned as he slowly stood up, I kneel down and place my hand on his shoulder where his hoodie had been ripped from a little glass snipping it.

He pulls up his mask and runs a hand into his hair, my eyes widen and my stomach sank, "You" "Lana?" he groaned glaring at me.

His jet-black eyes glared at me with anger or confusion, my eyes linger on his piercings, one black hoop piercing on his nose, "How do you know my name-" Before I could finish my sentence I feel a pair of hands pulling me up to my feet.

"Young lady"
"Hey let me go!"
"Let her go" he stood up faster than the flash and flared the officer in the eyes as the officer dug his nails into my skin.

I gasp at his sudden aggression toward a fucking officer, is he insane? "That's no way to talk to a young lady" he growled, "Young man take a step back-" "Let her fucking go"

He snapped, he hovered over the officer and me like prey, he was for sure intimidating as hell but he was speeding down the road like a maniac.

Before he could slam into the officer to make him get off me another officer gripped his wrists back and cuffed him in handcuffs

"Take these two to the station," Officer 2 says.
"What? I didn't do anything I was just checking up on him-"
"Quiet!" The officer gripping my arms said.

I roll my eyes and do as they say.


"This is your fucking fault" I snap sitting beside the psychopath, who got me into this fucking situation, "You're the one who walked up to me" "Because I fucking cared fucker!" I shout catching everyone's attention.

We were both handcuffed behind a chair while an officer stood beside us, he lets out an attractive laugh while the officer shushed us.


Blair and a Italian guy shouts, "Cyrus?" I whisper turning to look at Cyrus rolling his eyes and having a scowl on his face, "Are you insane!" Blair and the Italian guy shout at once.

I turn to look at Blair panting from frustration while Misha thinned his lips behind her and then suddenly glanced at Cyrus, and hot Italian guy, and me at once. "Nevan?" She frowned in confusion.

"What are your two doing here?" Nevan asked
"She's my little sister" "What are you doing here?" Misha and Blair stammered.

"Picking up my rebellious fucking cousin" Misha and Nevan whisper something to the officers and by his eyes rising, I knew it wasn't something pleasing.

Then one of the officers uncuffs Cyrus and me and lets us go dropping the charges.

The car ride was quiet and full of silence, Regret filled my stomach as Blair and I walked into our suite.

I walk in first and before I could make a run toward my room, "Stop right there" I froze in place and slowly spun around having a nervous smile on my lips. 

"What the hell happened" I gulped, "I saw he crashed and I went up to help him but then the cops placed handcuffs on me," I said speaking as quickly as possible.

She stared at me silently blinking multiple times, "What" she finally spoke, "Mhm" I hummed nodding my head, "So you got sent to the station, for checking up on someone?" oh no.

"How dare they-"
"It's fine-"
"Wait" She held her hand up stopping me from speaking, "What were you doing out?" I gulped, shit got caught.

"I just heard the crash and I had to go see..."
"Your wearing a white party dress, makeup is done so is your hair as well" I swear my GPA is lower than 10, "Fine I was going out" I sighed.

"Go to your room" I didn't hesitate, after being at the station for at least an hour I needed to lay on my bed asap.


Well, my plan didn't work, seems like DC is safer and more secure than Italy, and I should have been a smart ass and hacked into the bank system and taken some money from there.

Thats why I mastered the hacking system anyways.

Dumb ass.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Nevan bursted into my room glaring me dead in the eyes while I scowl him back, "You just arrived and you are already been nearly arrested and killed" "You can't keep a winter locked up brother" I shrugged having an evil smirk on my face.

His eyes grew darker and wider at the simple word, his reaction gave me the answer to my theory, "You should have never raised a mini Nevan, Nevan" I grin.

He lets out an unexpected laugh, and my smile turned into an upside-down frown, then suddenly he stopped laughing and gave me a dead-in-the-face grimace.

He then grabs my neck and pins me against the wall, Winter runs into the room as she hears the bang of the back of my head hitting the wall, "I really did raise a mini-me" I couldn't help but beam, he then releases my neck and shoved me into his arms patting the back of my head.

"Why didn't you tell me"
He stayed silent, "I didn't want you to end up like me Cy" he whispered into my ear, I shut my eyes and felt the warmth of his body serve.

"To be full of guilt" Oh if only you knew brother.

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