Chapter 35: Three Months

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3 Months Later


"What are you doing?" Nevan asked with a worryingly or annoyed facial expression, I ignored his question and chugged my fifth shot, letting the burning sensation travel down my throat.

"I see that, you aren't supposed to drink on your meds" I sighed as Nevan snatched the nearly empty bottle of tequila from my hands.

I rolled my eyes as he handed me a glass of water and sat across from me, "Talk to me what's up with you"
"Nothings up"

He let out a grin as I chugged the water down my throat, I could already feel the migraine coming across my head "Let me guess it's about Lana" Great, Blair must have told Nevan.

"Did you break up with her?"
"We were never together" I snarled, glaring down at the ground at the thought of of her smile-
"So she was just a fling" he asked arching a brow, glancing up at him I frowned, main ring eye contact a sight smirk crosses his lips, as if he knew my exact thoughts.

Lana being nothing but a fling boils my blood, It felt more than that, a lot more than just a fling, she was...everything.

For fucks sake I cared for her, hell I burned down a whole mansion nearly killing a family for her, whatever I'm feeling for her, I fucking hate it but love it at the same time.

"I don't know what we were" I stammered, I glimpse up at his eyes, and just by that look I knew what he would say.

"Cyrus...your young, and teenage love-"
"I don't love her" I snap.
"I never said you did" he grins.

Fucking shit.


"You okay we can take a break-"
"No let's continue, this is the only thing keeping my thoughts away" I whisper the last part as I helped pick out some outfits for Sam's party.

We've gone through her whole closet and we have found nothing but 'imperfection' "Hm what about this one?"
She held the dress over her frame while I stood up for the 100th time, I glanced her up and down before turning toward her accessories drawer.

The dress is a beautiful plain mint color, which made her hazel eyes look lighter, but it's too plain for my liking, it's her 18 birthday and she has to look amazing, she has to be the only one to shine the room, and that dress doesn't scream I'm the it girl of the night.

"Next" I sighed sitting back down on her bed full of dresses, "I don't get it you said I would help decorate, this isn't what I expected"
"You are helping, you are a future fashion designer artist, I need your opinion" she smiled giving me a wink, rolling my eyes I lean on her headboard. I am not going to be a fashion designer, tho it is my dream I'll ever happen

Sighing I beam and let out a giggle as she pulled out a dress and held it to her frame, posing she pouts her lips, this time the dress is a white cami dress with a corset top, it brighten her face and made her smile look really gorgeous.


I couldn't match any accessories along with it, "Next" I sighed
"Uh, Lana..." Sam stammered giving me a nervous look.
"Yes?" I said leaning back down in her bed.

"Those are all my dresses..."

I gasped and looked back at her half-empty closet, how was that al her dresses?! for christ sake now we have to spend hours at a mall to look for the perfect one "It's okay we'll just go shopping" I clasp my hands together while giving her a big smile.

"Or" she cooed giving me a big grin, that nearly creeped me out yet I knew immediately what it meant.
"Oh no" I hate that look, it's the look of I have an Idea and it's not a good idea.

"You can make me a dress" I felt my heartbeat increase at the ridiculous thought, "What? I've never made a dress just a design" I snort folding my arms across my chest.
"Correct but we're almost graduating and maybe you should start your own dress company, trust me I'll be the first to buy every single one of your masterpieces" She holds onto both my shoulder giving me a little shake.

My own designer brand? doesn't sound bad, but how am I Lana Ambrose supposed to become a dress designer? all I've ever done is draw dresses not build them "but what if it goes terribly wrong?"

"Really Lana, I've seen your designs their amazing!" She then suddenly runs across her room toward my bag where I have my 'journal' aka hidden in all my designs.

"Look at these they're perfect" She swipes through page and page, dramatically gasping at each design, I guess they do look cute...but still how would I be able to make one.

And how would I tell Blair? I know she would support me-

That's the thing she'll WANT me to succeed and I know she'll try her hardest to make me happy, she'll drag my ass out of bed everyday to make sure my business is going well and I get to school on time, but what if it doesn't work out? all that hard work she'll put in...would be for nothing-

"I can just imagine Katrina Orlov or Malia Ivanov, wait even better Stella Hart wearing one of your outfits in their runway show"

Hm, Stella could help me by wearing one of my dresses and posting it to her social media, it would make my business go amazingly great, maybe it's not a bad idea..."Fine I'll do it-"
"Yes! I already picked out the dress I want"


I walked down the street with multiple fabrics of Sam's inspiration, the dress she picked out definitely screams rich, a light lake green long dress with a ridges in the top, long sleeves and the same color corset top and a long slit up the thigh, shouldn't be too hard-

Suddenly my heart beat increased, I jump from a loud motorcycle-

Oh my god, a motorcycle, without my consent my head jerks back toward the direction of its loud engine, my heart was hoping it would be Cyrus, but my head was telling me to fuck him and keep walking- I then freeze in place, shivers go up my spine and arms.

I watched as the tall tattooed guy removes his helmet, wearing a short black t-shirt revealing his big biceps and tattoos along with black cargo pants.

I then watched as he shook his hair and placed held his helmet-

It's him.

My blood coiled together as I meet his dark gaze across the street, he was as shocked as I was, people walking past me as my gaze stops directly on his.

Why...why today? why not? why ever...

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