Chapter 2: Ride

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Once I got home, I stormed inside and ran past Blair straight to my room. "Hey, are you okay?" she said as I tossed my purse into bed and slammed my face against my pillow. "I hate boys. They deserve hell!" I said, slamming my fist against the pillows.

"Oh god...Lana, who said what today?" "I don't know, I don't even know the idiot. He just bumped into me and started speaking bullshit!" I said, sitting up from my pillow.

I glanced up at Blair, who had a scowl on her face from my third mental breakdown of the week. "Lana," Blair said, taking a deep breath before sitting on the edge of the bed beside me.

"I'm not pregnant." I roll my eyes,
"I wasn't going to say that."
"You were"
"No, I wasn't."
"You were thinking about it."

"Okay, maybe I was." I let out a groan from beneath my throat and slammed my pillow with my fist, "I'll get some Mexican food," She sighed, sitting up from my bed.


After five amazing Mexican tacos and watching three hours of Marvel movies, I felt much better, but knowing I'll probably have to see that mother fucker tomorrow...

Don't freak out, Lana; you don't even have classes with him, so I doubt you'll ever see him again besides in the hallways.

"How do you feel? One more year left of high school?" Blair graduated three years ago and got her diploma along with her friends Stella and Kenji. "Good, I guess..." One thing I never told my family—my brother and sister—is that I want to pursue my love for graphic design.

I do have a talent for drawing outfits, but I've never shown it to anyone besides my close friends Misha and Samantha.

I have to let Blair know soon, but I know she'll be killing me and trying to get me into the best graphic design college.

"I won't be here tonight. I'll be on a date with Misha," Blair said, taking a sip of her glass of wine. "Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone," I nodded in response and took the last bite of my taco.

She then sat up and headed toward her room while I sat and watched the movie.

She must not know me to think I won't sneak out.


Once Blair and Misha went out, I changed and walked toward the nightclub down the street, when the blaring of siren cops came from behind me, I turn around from curiosity to the sound of a motorcycle coming my way.

He passes by me and I catch a glance of- He turned to look at me, he wore a red and black mask while three cop cars followed behind him.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw him look back at me, my hair flowing in the thick air as the cop's car drove probably more than 100 miles.


Fuck I'm dead, I rode down the street swerving every car and person crossing the street, When I see a beautiful blonde girl wearing a white sparkly dress that catches my eye.

The moonlight hit her perfect curves, making her glow in the dark. Her blonde straight, wavy hair flew in the wind, and the dress popped off her perfect curves and tiny waist and chest.

I couldn't help but stare, and she turned around, the perfect moment for me to catch a good look at this- Lana fucking Ambrose.

Once I passed her I had to take a double look to make sure I wasn't just imagining this, Those ocean blue eyes stared back at me as I looked back, my heart sank to my stomach.

Is she fucking insane? Why is she walking alone in the middle of the night wearing...that? I needed to find a way to lose all these cops behind me.

I look back at the road- car horns blaring back at me while flashing yellow and white lights blind me before I could even think of my next move, I go flying over the car hood and land on the concrete floor, face fucking first.
"Fuck, I broke a rib."

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