Chapter 22: Sleepover

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I promise I'll come to school tomorrow, I'll stay till you fall asleep, MY ASS.

I have no clue why I'm even mad, he's just a boy who doesn't give a crap, you've experienced this multiple times get over it.

I slam my locker door from my anger just to find the one and only Cyrus fucking Winter leaning against the locker beside me while having his arms folded across his chest.

My anger instantly disappeared when I realize he was holding another fucking goddamn gorgeous rose.

"Roses are red, Violets are blue, I hate poetry but I'll get better just for you," he said giving me a teasing smile while licking his bottom lip, I try my best to hide the butterflies he just caused with an eye roll.

"Roses are red, Violets are blue get out of my face I don't like you" I gave him a sarcastic smile, before I could walk away he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me toward his chest.

"I'm sorry I had to leave, I was taking care of something"
I pull away from his grasp and stared into his eyes, I watched as his pupils dialed once our eyes met, I could tell he was maintaining eye contact for one reason. "Why are you always nervous around me?"

I changed the subject, and I fold my arms across my chest while leaning against the locker not taking my eyes off his, "Why are you always crying around me, I prefer you crying my name out loud instead" Shivers go up my spine causing me to stand up straight.

My eyes roamed to Sydney standing just a few inches behind us, obviously staring between Cyrus and me, I smirk and close the gap between Cyrus and me, and his body goes stiff as I wrap my hands around the back of his neck.

"I can make that work" I keep my eyes on him while speaking in a seductive tone, he lets out a chuckle and unexpectedly pins me against the lockers, his left hand roams against my thigh up my skirt-

while his free hand was gripped onto my waist, I suck in a breath as he leaned against my ear and whispered, "That mouth is going to get you in trouble"

I shut my eyes when I suddenly feel something between my thigh clench together, "Cat got your tongue little mouse?" he teased me with a little sexy roar in my ear.

"no...but maybe this mouth of mine wants to get in trouble" I straighten my spine and lean against his face, our lips only an inch away.

I had forgotten people could be walking past us, and Sydney is probably staring at our every move, I had the urge to lean against those soft-looking lips of his and kiss him like a madman.

"If thats the case, I can help with that" he licked his bottom lip while staring down at my rosy lips, I gulped a breath and roam my hands up his shirt.

"Maybe we can reschedule that sleepover of mine-"

"Winter and Ambrose!" Cyrus jumps away from me bumping into another student walking past me as I stood frozen against the lockers in embarrassment, "You can take this...intimidating moment somewhere else!" Mr. Archer shouted giving us both a glare.

"I accept that sleepover of yours little mouse!" Cyrus shouted out loud catching everyone's attention.

Oh, this little dick!

I slowly glance up at Archer giving me a scowl, "I'll get to class" I stammered pointing toward his direction, I walk past him and mouthed a curse word as I passed by Sydney.

Before I could walk away she had seized my shoulder and dragged me to her side, "Bet isn't over just yet"

She whispers, I shove her grasp from me and give her a smirk, "It certainly isn't, not until tonight of course" I shrugged giving her a smile as I walked away.

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