Chapter 14: Bruise

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After I dropped Lana off, she wouldn't say a single word to me, and I knew that was my cue to fuck off her life, but I can't bare the thought of wanting to know what the hell happened.

So after a two days of the silent treatment, I rode my motorcycle to the school while wearing my mask.

It was already one in the morning and the lazy security guard must have fallen asleep, with that I sneaked inside the school by a window I left open the morning after and as expected it was unlocked.

I decided not to bring a weapon and just brought my sharp rings just in case, I made my way down the hall toward the office when I overhear footsteps walking toward me, I quickly hide behind the lockers and sneak a peak to see the security guard entering the men's bathroom.

Without hesitation I ran down the hall toward the main office.

I sneaked in looked through room and rooms to find a key to the security room, when I stopped by Mr, Archers office.

It was surprisingly unlocked, I sneaked in before the security guard could come back.

After I found the security room key I unlocked it and sneaked in, I rewind the camera in the library to two days ago.

I stop once I see a bunch of fucking idiots walking out the library leaving Lana alone.

After a few minutes she sat up and headed toward the door, and in that moment a second camera point of view for the library had shut off.


Someone had planned this, someone had clearly been in the library with Lana and shut off the camera so they couldn't be seen. I then glance back at the camera where Lana was when I see her pick up her phone form her back pocket.

She then suddenly froze in place as she stared at something on her floor then glanced back up to look around the library.

Then it seemed like she got another notification which made her jump and toss her phone across the room.

By what I'm seeing a text message or so must have freaked her out, it was definitely planned since one of the cameras had shut off.

Whoever this is, is smart but not as smart as I am- I then suddenly overheard a cough behind me.



"Can you explain to me why you sneaked do to school to look at security footage?" Principle Archer raised a brow at me while folding his arms across his chest.

"And why was it the day Lana had a major panic attack?" he coughed.

"Just trying to help her out"
"By breaking a law? Winter I said very specifically let the adult handle this-"

"She told you?" I frowned and slowly stood up before a security guard stepped foot in front of principle Archer, "Relax I don't bite" I let out a laugh.
Principle Archer dismissed the security guard and left him and I alone.

Bad ideaaaaaa.

"Of course she did,"
"What the hell was it? you have to tell me!" I yelled, "Winter! this is your last warning leave this to the adults"
"Leave this to you? You haven't done shit to take care of her!"

"Look son-"
"Now that was a mistake" I then take a step forward and close the gap between us, "If you ever say that to me again I will peel your skin of your bones,"
"Winter this is your final warning, if you break another law or get into another fight you will be expelled, and don't ever threaten me again"

I roll my eyes and shove him out my way before he mumbled another word.


I walked through the front entrance, while Misha and Blair's 'friends' (aka Vivian and Kenji) walked along with me.

"You guys can leave now" I sighed ignoring their footsteps get closer and closer.

I then spun around to glance at them both, they both freeze in place and give me a small smile, "Please go back to work" I sighed, "We need to make sure-"

"Lana" Suddenly Cyrus appears out of nowhere cutting Kenji off, he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer toward him "Cyrus what are you-" "You told principle Archer and not me?" Oh fuck.

I could see from the corner of my eye Vivian and Kenji giving each other a side glance, "Why do you care?" "I fucking helped you! Don't you think I need to know what the hell happened!" he yelled.

I flinch from his sudden aggression and his grip tightened around my wrist, "Cyrus let go" I demanded, "Stop" I try to fight off his touch but it kept getting tighter to where it's probably bruised.

"Lana tell me what happened"
"Cyrus stop your hurting me!" And then in a blink of an eye Vivian had pulled Cyrus from my grasp and whispered something in his ear that made him snap back into reality.

Oh my god...

Before I could walk up to him he had ran off, "Cyrus wait!"

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