Chapter 27: Ferris Wheel

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Before she could even finish her sentence, I had cupped her cheeks and slammed my lips against hers, her sweet cotton candy soft fucking lips I've missed since, I kissed her hungrily and surprisingly she kisses me back, desperately to feel her, devour her.

Her lips were big and soft and swollen from how aggressively we devoured each other, a moan released from her lips causing me to go fucking insane.

Without thinking I grabbed her by the thighs dragging her ass and propping her in my crotch area, she tightly wrapped them around my legs while her hands gripped the back of my neck, dragging me deeper in, my nails dug into her thighs ripping her leggings open, my hands climb inside her ass over her skirt and I squeeze causing her to jump, and thrust against me.

I let out a moan as she purposely pushes herself against me, "Fuck Lana" I groan bitting on her lower lip as she breathed heavily and grinned herself against my already big erection, I held onto the Ferris wheel seat behind her while it moved us to the very top of the sky.

Perfect time.

Before I could snatch my leather jacket off my arms she slams my back against the seat. Her lips release mine, the sad popping noise of them separating hits a soft spot on my chest.

Taunting me she bites her lower lip as she thrust against me, I moan and tilt my head back as her hands trace under my shirt, her soft gentle touch burning my skin and tensing my abs, fuck, fuck fuck.

My cock throbbed in pain from how hard it is, feeling it want to rip out of my jeans, "Fuck little mouse keep going" I grasp her throat forcing her lips against mine, her tongue played along mine allowing me to taste her whole, and get a good taste, "Fuck you taste so good" I groaned into her mouth while dragging her waist into me matching a rhythm.

"You haven't even tasted me yet" She released my lips giving me a smirk, I couldn't help but groan from the angel in disguise pleasing me "Will you allow me to feel you little mouse" She nodded desperately

"I'm yours" She whispered brushing her lips against mine, how can such a little thing be so fucking dirty.

I never expected that from Lana Ambrose, the most innocent-looking person I've ever met, "As you said, my mouth loves getting into trouble" Before she could give me another delicious kiss, I decided to play with my toy while hearing her desired moans into my ear.

I slip my hand inside her skirt and between her underwear, she flinches at my touch and lets out a soft moan, groaning my cold fingers feel her soaking wet throbbing clit.

"Cyrus" She whimpered.
"I haven't even begun and you're already screaming my name" I smiled at her, I then lean down her cunt, and my crock throbs as I mesmerize her touch, how wet she was for me, and how I'll be tasting her.

Her little cunt is mine.

"Cyrus..." She then suddenly flinched, gripping her hands on my shoulder, causing me to stop, I glanced up at her "What's wrong little mouse?"

"No one has ever touched me before" She swallowed her eyes darting anywhere but mine.
"What..." I gulped, but for some other reason, her eyes were telling me something else.

"I'm" She looked as if it was embarrassing, and it just made me even harder, knowing I'll be the first guy to touch her, the first guy to hear her moans, the first guy to be inside-

My smile widens and I leaned against her ear and whispered, "Does it look like I care" I then pinch her wet clit.

And as expected she lets out a painful moan into my ear, "Fuck" I groan tilting my head back, My new favorite sound is hearing her whimpers.

At first, I went slow rubbing my fingers over her sensitive clit, her whimpers, and her little mumbling made me go insane, but I then slip in a finger, and she screams my name.

I had to kiss her to keep her quiet, I then slip a second finger and thrust inside her, and she groans mid-kiss, I felt precum spotting on my boxers.

Slippng in a third finger, and she explodes, her orgasm vibrating a melody in my ears, she errupts with moans and whimpers as I thrust my fingers inside her faster and faster, the wet nose vibrating the air, gripping my shoulders I hold the pain of her nails cutting through my skin, her thighs clenching together but I force them apart.

My poor little mouse will now have to walk around with soaked panties, good

A loud moan escaped us both as I feel her sweet little virgin cum drizzle over my fingers, panting I slowly slip out inside her and drag my finger up my lips, the shiny cum dripping off my fingers, "Oh my god is that-" Before she could finish her sentence I licked the cum off my fingers.

She gasps and looked back and forth between my fingers and my lips, "Fuck your so sweet little mouse," I moan adjusting her panties and skirt, flicking her messed up hair to the side, while she was still in shock by my action.

I then lean-

Before I could give her another kiss we realize we were almost back on the ground, fuck fuck fuck.

She jumps off me and licks on her bottom lip trying to hold in her smile, I had to hold on to my throbbing crock and took deep breaths before we made it down.

"Next!" The cock-blocker shouts.

Stupid shit.

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