Chapter 8: Fantasy

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"You see the blondie?" Mason said pointing toward Lana, "What about her?" I give him a glare in the eye as every guy from our table turned to look at her smiling at the fake bitch across from her.

It's clear Lana doesn't fit in with them, while her friends wore pink dresses and a bunch of rich accessories she was more of a dark feminine kind of vibe.

She always wears black but in a rich mean girl type of way, I felt the back of my spine burning up when I watched as Mason licked his bottom lip at her black crop top and mini skirt.

"You two friends right?" he asked.
"Not even close" I rolled my eyes, and suddenly, he turned back to look at me.
"Then what are you two?" blaze asked giving me a curious frown, I let out a sigh.

"Let's say...a girl I don't get along with" I shrug it off, I don't know what Lana and I are, friends? enemies? aquatints? hell not even close.

"Maybe this year we'll get lucky" Aaron laughed along with the others, beside Blaze, he rolled his eyes and took a bite out of his apple, I frown knowing what the fuck they mean.

"you're trying to get in her pants?" I arched a brow as I glared Mason in the eye,
"Bingo, she's just a bitch trying to be hard to get-"


Then suddenly everyone started screaming, I stood up faster than I'd probably had, and from across the room, I could see Cyrus throwing punches at- Mason?!


I ran across the lunch room my heart thumping in my ear as I shoved people out of the way, I gasp as I watched Cyrus throwing punches across Mason's face.

Mason's whole forehead and nose was filled with blood to the point he was unrecognizable, by every punch Cyrus took I could see Mason's blood lifting with his fist.

I glanced up at Blaze and Aaron cheering for Cyrus?! they acted like Mason was a random person while they pulled out their phones and recorded.

Fuck he's going to kill him-

"STOP!" I screamed trying to pull him away from me, "This is what you deserve" Suddenly he pulled out a blade-

I snapped out of it and ran straight to Cyrus, "Cyrus stop!" I yelled gripping onto his arm, I used all my force and pulled him away from Mason.

I had no idea what took over me but then suddenly I punched Cyrus across the face causing him to tumble back, I groan at the pain of my knuckles but before I could check up on Mason a strong grip of arms pull me back.


"Winter you've been here for two weeks and you have already gotten into detention TWICE!" Principal Archer shouted slamming his palms against the desk causing me to flinch back on my chair, "And you Ambrose!"

He glared back at me pointing a finger at me, "Do you think this is what your parents would have wanted for you? You might be well known for your parents and have money but that doesn't mean you get to do what you wish to!"

I slowly glared up at him with angry tears on my face, "How dare you involve my parents-" "What the fuck did you just say" Suddenly a loud husky voice is being roared behind Principle Archer.

Cyrus and I snap our necks to see who it was, "Mr. Larson-" Principle Archer said with his fake act and smile, "Lana, Cyrus, let the grown-ups talk" Without hesitation I stood up and walked out of his office while Cyrus followed behind.

Before I could walk past Misha he grasps my wrist, "You okay?" He asked with a concern frowned, I nod and make my way back toward the lobby, Misha shuts the door behind us and closes the door blinds...

Well, that's just great.

"You shouldn't have stopped me" Cyrus breaks the silence as we stood beside each other, "Masons my friend-" "He's a fucking dick!" Cyrus snaps slamming his hand against the wall.

He then suddenly walked up to me pinning me against the wall, He panted like a fucking animal and his busted lip wasn't helping his look...

he pinned his hands beside my hand and glared me in the eyes, "Mason didn't do anything-" "Cut the bullshit, Lana"

My name came out as a growl, I gulped as fear bubbled inside my stomach and chest, "Not everything is rainbows and sunshine, get your head out of your fucked up fantasy and look at reality"

A tear slipped from my eye unexpectedly as I grit my teeth at him, "You don't know anything about me Cyrus, so I advise you to keep your fucking mouth shut"  he lets out a laugh as he swiped the tear from my cheek.

Shivers run across my body from his warm touch, "Your not special Lana, the world doesn't revolve around you, so I'll advise you to watch who you are friends with" he gave me one final look before he turned around bursting out the school entrance.

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