Chapter 15: Love

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I rushed down the hall looking into every class to find Cyrus, until I got to the boy's stall.

I ran inside to catch guys doing their own business, "A girl?!" one of the guys screamed they all snapped their necks to look at me as if I was some ghost.

"Everyone out of the bathroom!" I shout and whit seconds they all ran out to the doctor "he getting his ass whipped, "one of them scoffs while shutting the door behind me.

I drop my purse on the ground and make my way down the stalls till one of them was shut. "Cyrus?" I slightly knocked on it.

I could hear his panting and heavy breathing that was eating me alive, So I had no choice but to slide under the door.

"What the fuck?!" he shouted as I slowly stood up, I got up to my knees when he suddenly smirked at my point of view.

"You look gorgeous with those eyes little mouse" I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Did you...have an episode?" I asked with a harsh gulp, he ran both his hands down his hair and sat on his knees.

I sat beside him and stared up at the ceiling waiting for his answer.

"Yes," he answered after what felt like minutes of silence, suddenly before I could answer he grabbed my wrist and lifted up my sleeve.

I watched as he glared at my bruised wrist, his eyes filling with anger as the mother the more he looked at it, my heart skipped a beat as his thumb creased the bruise.

"It's okay-"
"No, it's not, I'm fucking mental"
"Don't say that" I shook my head back and forth, "Why shouldn't I? It's the truth" he let out a sad chuckle under his breath.


I didn't like it, not one bit, and for some reason, it shattered my heart, "Your really going to let your mental illness define you? that's not the Cyrus I know"

"And you're the manipulation queen"
"I'm being honest" and I truly was, out of everyone I least expected Cyrus (and Vivian) to depend on their mental health more than their personality.

"You can be a pain in the ass and an Italian accent dick head, but...there's an actual person in there" I beamed pointing toward his chest.

He gives me a scowl before letting out a real genuine smile, we just stared at each other with a smile on our faces before looking away up at the ceiling.

"Can I tell you something?" he asked curiously, "Of course" I said with a natural tone but deep down I was nervous and excited to know if Cyrus was going to open up to me.

"You deserve the love you keep trying to give to everyone else."

I could feel my heart sink to my stomach, I had no words but to stare at him, with shock.

"We should get to class" I change the subject and stood up from the ground, "Right" he coughed unlocking the stall for me.


Cyrus and I ignore each other for the rest of the day, I least expected him to say...that, But his words hit me like a fucking bitch.

You deserve the love you keep trying to give everyone else.

Does he mean something by it? I'm I just being delusional?

Yep, I probably am.

After school I called Kenji and Vivian off my ass for once, I needed to clear my head and go for a long walk.

As I left the school entrance I froze to see Cyrus leaning against his motorcycle, which seems brand new.

Both hands were in his pocket as he stared up at the ceiling, I sighed and tried continuing walking but I overhear him calling my name.

"Lana!" he repeated, I act if I don't hear it and continued walking "Little mouse wait up!" I then froze and slowly turned around, he hasn't called me that since...

"Hi," I dryly said, "Where you going?" he asked with a frown from the sun, "Home" "Alone?" he asked arching a brow at me.

"Yes. alone" I rolled my eyes and inhaled a breath when I smell his clone.

A hint of mint and roses mixed, " You're not walking alone" He suddenly grabbed my wrist and dragged me toward his motorcycle.

"What!" I shout with fear in my voice, "Hop on" he handed me his black helmet, "What about you?" I frowned with worry up at him.

"I don't need it now hop on" I did say I wanted to clear my head, but it was my first time riding a motorcycle or even touching it....

"Fuck it" I sighed putting on the helmet and clipping it on as I sat behind Cyrus, "Wrap your hands around me"
"What?!" I basically screamed.

"Fine" he then pressed onto the break, and I slam against his back "Told you" he chuckled, I roll my eyes and just slowly wrap my arms around him, but he tighten my grip around him "Don't die on me"
"Not making any promises"

He let out a chuckle while starting his motorcycle when I could see Sydney and her minions from a distance having their jaws dropped on the floor.

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