Chapter 32: Black

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"What do you want Sydney?" I fold my arms across my chest while shutting the door behind my back, "Your man" she smiled, I snort eyeballing her like the idiot she is, "What does that mean?" I roll my eyes letting out a scoff, "I overheard you scream the L word, and he hasn't said it has he?" She tilts her head giving me a sad sarcastic fucking smile.

Her face looks so punchable I can just- "I'll give you till Sammy's party for him to say the L word, if not I'll tell the love of your life the truth, then you'll be heartbroken little Lana crying for a guy who was a bet, how pathetic you'll look"

I took a step closer and glared her directly in the eyes, she tumbled back her smile instantly fading, pussy little bitch isn't so confident now huh? I was merely an inch taller, she's all tall but no bite "Try me bitch" I then push her against the wall and slam my apartment door open.

I let out a sigh as I shut the door behind me, "Sorry I left-" I cut myself off as I realize Cyrus was panting like a dog, both his hands against the window, sneered blood his hands, goosebumps instantly raised on my arms, and I hesitate to stalk toward him.

Is he...okay?

"Cyrus what's wrong..." I stuttered slowly walking toward him when I notice the broken bloody phone on the ground, I gulped a harsh breath and tried my best to ignore it but my eyes keep darting toward him and the bloody phone, "Let me take you out on a date tomorrow" he said standing up straight still not having the courage to look me in the eye, his back faced me and his hands gently crawl off the window.

"I um...okay that's nice but are you okay?"
"I'll pick you up at 8 p.m sharp" he finally turned around and to my shock, his eyes were bloody red as if he had been crying angry hot burning tears.

He cups my cheeks and places a long wet kiss against my forehead, I held onto his waist while he stood still holding me like this for what felt like hours, he wasn't okay and I know it, something happened while I was with Sydney, but how? it felt like a two minutes and everything escalated...

"I- I lo-" my eyes widen, but his lips shut as he sighed, What was he about to-

"Goodbye Little Mouse" he then walked past me heading toward the front door, nearly stumbling back his scent hits my nostrils, and my heart sank from how speechless I was from a stammer of what I think he was about to say hung in the sky. I didn't get the courage to turn around as I heard the door slam shut, My heart was pounding against my chest and a random whimper escaped from my throat, he didn't finish the sentence.

He didn't finish the sentence.


I sat across from Misha while doing a few sketches of dresses, while he held a glass of black coffee and typed like a madman on his laptop.

"What's wrong?" he asked without taking his eyes off his screen, "Nothings wrong why?" I tried to keep my tone clear but it was quite difficult, after Cyrus weird encounter earlier, I haven't been able to keep it out of my head. Was he about to say the L word to me? and why was his phone broken? and why...was he bleeding? I sigh.

I haven't seen or talked to Misha since our last dinner, its been awkward for me but he's been too busy as CEO-

"I've known you since you were a newborn, I know that look on your face when something is on your mind...and also you can't concentrate on the one thing you love doing"

"Finals are soon, and my birthday coming up"
"Yes, I see...if this is about Blair moving in with me-"
"It's not just scared" my voice came out as a whisper, from the corner of my eye I see him slowly jerk in my direction-

Misha then suddenly slams his laptop shut and pulls his whole attention toward me, I give in and glance back at him- when I realize he's rolling his sleeves up his biceps, I tilt my head pulling my eyebrows together and his arm covered in arm tattoos, no sign of his kin shown, just big tattoos in black ink.

"This means loyalty, this other one stands for strength, and this one stands for my mother," he said pointing at each tattoo with a softer tone.

"What about this one?" I leaned closer pointing toward what seemed like like a large scorpio or snake, "I'll tell you when your 18"
"So not fair" I rolled my eyes sitting back in my seat,

He lets out a slight chuckle but it disappeared in half a second, "What's actually wrong-" Before he could finish his sentence he gets interrupted by my phone ringing.

We both glance at my phone facing face first, I felt goosebumps rise all over my arms, and my face turns twice as white, No this can't be happening, this can't be fucking happening not right now, my heart paced inside my chest as I realize it's an unknown number.

My breathing got cut short and I hoped Misha hadn't realized my heavy panting but he did, In a blink of an eye, Misha had picked up my phone from the coffee table and held it into his ear.

"Misha wait-"
"Whos this" His whole facial expression changed, and his eyes were filled with concern and anger at once. Kill me now.

No, No, No

He slowly glanced up at me with pure fury, but suddenly disappeared into a sigh, "It's your principle..." Relief sinks into my stomach as he hands me my phone.

"Mr. Archer?" I asked with a frown
"You think this was some sick joke? we were terrified for you-"
"What do you mean?" I cut him mid sentence off, his voice was filled with anger, and as confused as I was he continued.

"The police were able to trace the number, it went back to your phone Lana..."

I sensed the world fall into my hands, Misha now had three heads and Mr. Archer talking over the phone blurred out, my phone? is that possible?!

My panting became heavier and heavier and the whole living room blurred through my pool of eyes, my heart pounded so loud it was the only thing I could possible hear, this has to be a mistake? how can another phone be traced to mine?!

"How is that possible..." My voice trembled, and I don't help to stop it, my hands shakes uncontrollably and Misha frowns beside me? grasping my hand he squeezes it, trying to reassure and calm me down.

"Lana, are you alright?" Misha cut in.

"You have after school detention for-"

Principles Archers voice disappeared with thin air, and a loud thud was the last thing I heard till everything...went pitch black.

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