Chapter 53: Blood

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I drop my phone from my hand suddenly being electrocuted, "Shit" I gasp realizing my phone is fuming with black smoke, I run my hands through my hair as I glance up-

My heart drops as I notice from a distance a giant buff man staring directly at me, with a small blade in his grasp his free hand holding an odd red button-

That that a...bomb?!

the most sinister smile on his lips, my heart was trapped in my throat and my first instinct was to run as fast as I could- "fuck" I shook my head back and forth while he smirked and started pacing up to me in the crowd, quickly I jerk forward, not turning back I run down the street shoving people out of my way.

Overhearing their shouts I ignore them, Henry's after me, he's after me again-

"Out of my way!" I yelled nearly tripping over ice and a random tall man, I looked back to see him getting closer and closer, as if I didn't move far from him he started running faster.

I panted like a dog while I ran down the sidewalk, in my boot heels and short coat, god I knew these heels were not it when I put them on this morning-

Suddenly I gasped when a group of men purposely bumped into me causing me to stumble straight onto the road, a car honked catching my attention, and as if the world was in slow motion I looked back at the man who was licking his lips as if I were his new tasty toy.

Fuck no, not again.

I ignore all the cars and run down the road, the ice was still slippery and I was cold which was much worse for my already pounding heart, when I suddenly trip and fall against the sidewalk landing on my ass, no, no, no not again!

"Lana!" I jerked my head up and watched as Blaze picked me up by the elbow.

"You okay-"
Quickly grasping his arm I fist his hand
"Blaze a bad man is trying to hurt me" I tried speaking but I felt my chest tighten from the cold, "What bad man?!" His eyes grew with fury as we both glanced behind me.

Thats when we see a group of men staring right at us with death stares, they start walking away when they notice Blaze holding me tight beside me.

There wasn't just one of them...but a whole group.

Thank god Blaze is Cyrus's height and as strong and muscled as him, I would have never gotten away from them if I hadn't bumped into him.

Releasing a relieved sigh I gave him a tight hug, while he hugged me back, when suddenly he leaned down and whispered "Will you finally tell me what you're a part of?"

I quickly released him and glanced him in the eye, seeing nothing but seriousness "What" I swallowed.
"Lana I know about Vincent, The Larsons, The Winters, how the Chens are secretly ninja turtles and...Ten" I gulped a harsh breath, " do you know"

"You know everything once you become the quiet one, and get involved in the city's best security team" He shrugs nonchalantly. Right, I should have seen this coming either way.


I ran up to Cyrus in an instant second, wrapping my arms around his neck while he hugged me tighter picking me off my feet, "Your safe"
"So are you" he cupped my cheek checking around my neck and face before placing a long desperate kiss on my lips and giving I'm another tight hug, his touch instantly comforted me and his desperate kiss reassured me how safe I was with him, nothing will happen when he's by my side.

Blaze then walked up behind me, "Hey man" Cyrus released me and held me in his grasp, "Blaze saved me from men chasing after me" I swallowed giving Blaze another smile, he nodded and slightly smiled while Cyrus released a relieved sigh.
"I owe you one"

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