Chapter 31: Voices

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Before we could make it inside the apartment building I grabbed her by the waist and slammed her back against the wall, she let out a gasp from the air being knocked out of her, I pinned both her wrist above her head while I laid wet kisses along her neck and jaw.

"Cyrus what if their home?" She gulped a breath while I purposely placed my thigh between her shaking legs.
"I've been craving your lips, I don't care if we get caught," I said with a deep growl, I then spin her around slamming her chest on the wall, then I slowly and teasingly trail my hands up her tiny skirt.

Both are pants being loud and heavy as she jumped going on her tip toes as I dug my hand into her underwear, "Did you look at him"
"Answer the question Lana" I hissed beside her ear, she gaps as I rub my two fingers over her soaking wet underwear, her moan makes my cock go fucking insane. She didn't have to think about who I was talking about because she knows damn well who.

"What if I did" I slam my body weight against her purposely letting her feel my erection growing, "Then he'll have to be punished" I groaned sucking on her neck while my fingers trailed her wet cunt, my erection jumped at her wet pussy, it's mine, all fucking mine.

"Why he didn't do anything?" she moaned while I thrust her clit back and forth
"I made a promise if he even fucking looked at you, he's dead" She gasps as I gripped my hand around her neck and spin her around.

My cock throbbed at her smile and her doe eyes intimidating me, "Dont look at me like that" I let out a soft moan as I slipped my hand out her underwear, "What do you mean?" She bit on her lower lip raising to meet my lips.

"You know what your doing" she let out a soft moan as I pinched her clit in a tight firm, "You just love teasing me-"

Then a sudden knock against the door caused us both to jump away from each other, slipping out of her I fist my hands behind my back, and I clear my throat while Lana fixed the bottom of her skirt, and smoothed her hair down from my aggression.

I watched as she slammed the door open- "Hello-" her friendly tone dropped as we both glare at a certain annoying bitch.

"Sydney what are you doing here?" I couldn't help but laugh at Lana's tone drop and annoyed sigh.

"We need to talk, now" I arch a brow as Lana glimpses back at me and then back at Sydney, "I'll be back" I thin my lips as she shuts the door behind her stepping out of the apartment.

Great, I'm alone in my girlfriend- Lana's apartment-
Hm I wonder if she has any dildos? or a rose toy? I know Little mouse isn't ready yet, but there's others way I can make her-

I then suddenly overhear my phone ringing in my back pocket cutting my thoughts I groaned, it must be Nevan since he's picking up Winter from the vet today.

I snatched my phone from my back pocket to see it was an unknown caller

"Who the fuck is this-"
"Aren't you curious to hear what your so-called girlfriend is talking about?" that voice, that fucking voice.

My blood boiled as I ran toward the ceiling windows and glared outside to just see cars rushing to get in their direction and people walking on the sidewalks with their fucking rich clothes.

"Oh don't worry, I'm nowhere near you-"
"Who are you, and why the fuck are you watching me"

"You have something and I want it back" "Let me guess I robbed your fucking house or Empire, bad news bud I sell everything I steal"

I smiled through the phone while I overhear the creep fuck on the other phone panting get heavier, "You didn't steal anything from me, you stole someone from me"

My heartbeat increased, and my grip on the phone tightens, you stole someone from me, well guess what motherfucker my body count is bigger than your goddamn dick, "What do you want" I sighed through the phone, the phone on my hand cracks, and any second by now it'll turn into small shatters of glass.

"Her, I want your little mouse"

I knew it, I fucking knew it.

"If you hurt her, I will come after you, and I will make you see that so what person I took from you"
"You naive little psychopath, I can easily make her hate you with one little click of a button"

My heart pounded louder and louder, what the fuck is this piece of shit talking about?"
"Blackmailing me now? Your a fucking coward, whatever it is you so called have wont work, she...loves me- trust me,"

"Don't be so sure Winter, how do you think the 'love of your life' will feel after she finds out you nearly killed her"

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