Chapter 26: Chose Me

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I watched as Kenji kept beating everyone at the shooting aim, everyone kept giving us worried looks about how his aim was perfect.

I tried shoving him by the shoulder but he STILL, got the glass cups, god for an assassin he's terrible at hiding it.

"Here you go..." the employee hands me my fifth giant plushie.

I nod and give him a smile while trying to drag Kenji by the shoulder, but then I accidentally drop my favorite pink teddy bear.

"Oops" He coos "Kenji!" I whined, god now I need to wash and it won't be as fluffy as it was, great, I tossed my plushies in Kenji's chest to get a better look-

"You dropped this" A deep husky accent spoke, I felt my heart drop, my body freezing in place, as if I was just in the biggest ride I've been on my stomach twists into knots. I couldn't say anything, all I could do was stare into those dark black eyes, while I was hoping I didn't have a reaction to him standing right in front of me.

I knew my jaw was basically on the ground and my eyes filled with shock, "I realized" I finally said trying to sound confident but my voice cracked.

We both stayed silent while staring at each other's eyes, I didn't realize how dark and broken they looked-

"Hey sorry, we're late-" Blair interrupts our intimate- eye contact contest obviously...

Before I could respond Cyrus had handed me the teddy bear, our hands touched just for a second, and for some reason we both flinched, electric shots ran up my spine as he gulped a breath and walked past me, shoving me by the shoulder. The only thing left was his clone following him behind.

"Man, it got hot in here!" Kenji teased with a very intimidating punchable laugh.


I felt like a madman, following her around and making sure she was okay even tho she was with one of the most feared men and his personal assassin besides him, she was perfectly safe.

At least five people accidentally bumped into Blair and Lana and as expected Kenji and Misha overreacted.

You shouldn't be talking.

I let out a sigh as I walked behind them, they seem to be heading toward the-

Ferris wheel. Excellent.

Before Kenji and Lana could pass by together and sit on the blank ride, I cut everyone off the line shoving them as I make my way inside, "Hey-" Lana cuts herself off.

But before she could speak I was already sitting on Kenjis seat, She gives Kenji a concerned side glance freezing beside him, hesitating if she should ride beside me, "I don't bite Little Mouse" I grin with a teasing tone in my voice.

Kenji gave me a smirk and arched a brow as he gestured she walks in.

She rolls her eyes and steps foot into the Ferris wheel, and we start lifting up instantly, my heart skips a beat as she scootched over to the side to completely ignore me, he shoulder facing me and her legs hanging from the seat like a little child, she was fucking beautiful, she wore a black mini skirt and black leggings with grey uggs with bows behind them, a corey crop top on and with a black fancy expensive coat.

Fuck, as much as my eyes resist the urge to look down at her chest, I keep the steady, that shirt makes them look bigger than they are, swallowing I try glancing her in the eyes.

"Little Mouse please-"
"Stop talking"

"I don't take demands"
"But when your in bed you do" She snarls, I couldn't help but smile and let out a chuckle, "That wasn't meant to be funny" she scoffs finally glancing at me when the Ferris wheel stops midway.

"It wasn't, your just cute when you're mad" She breaks eye contact and looked back to the side, trying to hide her rosy cheeks from me but it was the most stunning thing I've seen.

What are you doing to me Lana?

"Why did you trap me,"
"I didn't trap you"
"Yes, you did" "Uh no I did not-"
"Yes. You. Did" She shifted to glimpse at me bashing her lashes at me as if I was a kid, "Okay I did" I sighed leaning back against the seat.

"I wanted to tell you the truth" Her gaze softened and my back finally let out some stress from these couple of days, "Go on" she slightly leaned toward me.

I couldn't help but smile and lean closer, but then she flinches back.

Good job Winter.

"That night Lana, I never wanted someone as much as I wanted you"
"Then why did you run?" her voice broke, and I felt my heart ache from it.

"Because...I was scared" Then suddenly the air around us thickened, and I had to stop and gaze at the ground, "What but- I don't get it"
"Neither do I" I mumbled under my breath.

"Why were you scared to...have sex with me?"

She asked, and I had to look at her eyes I could see a glim of shine through them and I knew she was on the verge of crying.

Just say it you dumb fuck!

"I was scared because"

Fuck spit it OUT!

"I guess-"

Open your goddamn mouth

"I was scared because I've never been scared my whole life,"

I sighed and shut my eyes slamming both my palms into my face, "Because, if I touch you, kiss you, and make love to you Lana, I'll break you, I'll hurt you, and I'm scared to be the cause of your pain,"


"You deserve someone who will treat you right, who you, and hold onto you every night" The thought of another guy holding her-

Made me want to blow the fuck up.

"But what if I don't want it to be another guy" I then flinch at her skin, her soft tiny hands gently removing my hands from my face.

"What did you say?" I asked again, with a confused but shocking frown on my face.

"I don't want another guy, Cyrus, you may denied it, but you like me as much as I like you and I know you want me but you keep fighting those feelings, stay with me Cyrus, wait for me, hold me int he middle of the night, kiss me....and one day love me"

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