Chapter 40: Winter

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Six Months Later


After graduation, and my 18 birthday I decided to make my designs into reality, starting with Blair's wedding dress.

Even tho she doesn't know it yet, I've already have sixteen (and counting) wedding dress designs for her, "This is my favorite" Misha points biting on his apple while he scrolled through my iPad of every design I've made.

"I know she'll look good on every one of them, but this one-"
"Will make her look like a goddess yeah yeah I get it" I teasingly rolled my eyes and cut him off mid sentence, wow to have someone like Misha, he's basically Blair's little pet who follows her around with his tongue out.

Good for her.

"Keep scrolling," I say as I pulled my phone out to respond to a few emails, after I started publishing my dresses on Instagram I've gotten a few request, not dramatic dresses only classic party, galas, and birthday gifts.

Sammy Sausage <3: Guess who I just requested a dress?
Me: Who?!
Sammy Sausage <3: Sydney :>
Me: ...
Me: cancel her order
Sammy Sausage <3: No can do she can get us more sales!

I roll my eyes and slam my phone against Misha's desk, I should probably catch you up in these past few months, Sydney is now the youngest model in DC, she has two million followers on her Instagram.

And probably dating three guys at the moment, While Sam volunteered to become my personal manger and help out with my orders for my fashion website LAG (Lana Ambrose Glamour), and yes she's with Blaze and they seem really happy so I'm glad.

And then Cyrus...

I felt my stomach sink from how much I haven't seen or heard of him, he did move to Italy, and to my research, he now runs his own memories along with Nevan, Nevan is the CEO of Winters inc. and I hate to admit I did my research, Winters inc is a company passed down by the Winters generation, The last CEO was Aldo Winter.

Cyrus and Nevans uncle, he took he business after his older sister mysteriously died, I've tried looking up Cyrus and Nevans parents but I noticed nothing comes up, nor do their deaths, it's like they completely didn't exists.

Cyrus is a COO, the second in command at the firm, yes I know look at me knowing CEO positions, I tried my best to stop myself from sending him a message or even reaching out to him, and I've done well so far, the closets I've gotten is me paying for a plane ticket to Italy.

I know Fallon is a COO and Vivians a CFO who runs the finances (Along with being Misha's private assassin, and Kenji)

While Blair is Misha's assistant and maybe soon-to-be wife hopefully.

Then there's me, I'll say I've been doing fine...running a fashion website, not a brand yet, hopefully soon, I moved into my own apartment leaving Rune all alone, since Misha and Blair moved in together.

Everything has been perfect...


I stared at the city of Rome, I could see half of our buildings from my apartment, and I watched as snowflakes fall down the white sky, it was currently four in the morning and I haven't had the urge to get up for work.

All I can think about is...her, and that's when I suddenly get a call on my phone, it better not be- Nevan.

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I picked up the phone while laying in bed.

"Happy twenty birthday" He cooed, rolling my eyes I sighed
"I told you not to call me"I said sitting up from the bed as I grabbed my towel from the corner of my room and headed to my bathroom.

"And when do I listen to you?" I could feel his arch of a brow through the phone, good to know I know my older brother more than I bet he knows me
"I'd appreciate it if you started" I ran the hot steaming water while glaring at myself in the mirror, he mumbles something under his breath before turning his phone back at me, "Pack your shit I sent you your plane ticket-"
"Your fucking with me" I spoke through gritted teeth, I slam the hot water off, my skin was as hot as is from it and there's no way-

"I told you I wasn't" I could sense his fucking idiotic smile through the phone, that tall son of a bitch "Well cancel it I'm not going-" That's when I suddenly overhear my door being knocked open, and I didn't have to think to know who it was.

"Mr. Winter, the jet is ready for you" Julia shouted through the room
I let out a sigh and peek my head out of the bathroom, "My meetings Julia-"
"I've rescheduled all of them for next Friday"
"Its Monday" I frowned.

"Yes, but your uncle along with your brother said so" She nodded, great fuck you Aldo as much as you Nevan.

"I win"
"I'll get you back you just won't know it"

Hanging up the phone I slam my towel against the mirror, guess I'm going back to the United States, specifically New York, DC.

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