Chapter 33: Dream

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I remember opening my eyes and seeing the view of daylight, "Misha?" I sat up when I realized I had been lying on the ground, in the middle of the forest.

"Cyrus?"! I shouted with fear in my tone, "I'm right here little mouse" I let out a terrified scream and spun around to see him.

Cyrus leaned against a tree with his hands folded across his chest, without hesitation I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He let out a sudden breath from my strength, his arms tightly wrapped around my waist, "I missed you" he stayed silent while breathing in my scent.

"So did I" I released him and held onto both his hands while I looked around the forest.

"Where are we?"
"What do you mean?" he pulled his brows together, "Is this a dream?" I asked with a confused expression. He stayed silent and gave me a sincere smile, "Yes Tesoro it's a dream," he smiled cupping both my cheeks.

 I cringe at him rubbing against my scar, "If this is a dream...why does it feel so real?"
"Some dreams feel real don't they" I nod and smile at him, but then he suddenly leaned down and placed a soft long kiss over my scar.

I couldn't help but gasp from his embrace, but I didn't release him I just let him hold me, I felt my stomach erupt with many feelings, I'd never felt this way before.

What's this feeling?

But then it hit me, if this is a dream, that means this isn't real, and Cyrus isn't here, and...I can talk to him.

"I need to tell you something, Cyrus," I stammered swallowing the gulp in my throat.
"Of course, what's wrong little mouse" his grip on my hand tightened and the look he gave me kinda...looked like worry.

"I want to tell you...How I got my scar."

"Promise to not say anything till I'm done?" His smile faded away in an instant, but he nodded and held me tighter,  "I was fifteen, Blair had been missing that night and Rune was gone for his Business CEO position, I was home alone in our old mansion," 

I tried my best to keep calm and not cry to my feet, I glared at the ground while I spoke because I didn't want to see his face.

Not that I didn't want to, I wanted to see his reaction but I just couldn't bear it, it's my first time telling someone the truth besides Blair and Rune, and I had no clue how he'd react.

"I was in my room listening to my favorite Taylor Swift song Exile, it was one of my favorite songs ever made, but now It just reminds me of that night, the worst night of my life."

I finally gained the courage to look him in the eye and to my surprise they were filled with sadness and tears as if he knew where I was going with it.

I sighed and looked back at the ground but then he tilted my chin and forced me to see him, a sad worried smile crossed his lips, I hated it-when suddenly he leaned back down and placed a longer softer kiss on my nose where my scar connected. I slightly smile and continue.

"Thats when I heard the noise of glass being shattered across the floor, I stopped my music hoping it was Blair, that she'd come back, but when I went to go check it was Vincent, and he had ripped my mother's portrait into shreds" My voice breaks and trembles, feeling my legs slowly giving up.

"I asked if he was okay but all he did was look up at me with the scariest look I've ever seen, I will never forget what happened next" he reminded me of the devil, a sinister smile with tears on his cheeks, his fisted hands were so white they could have exploded, and his face...he was red as a goddamn tomato, whatever happened that night, something made him so mad he lost control.

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