Chapter 13: Stalker

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Well, that was the weirdest dream I had, tho it felt so fucking real and I woke up with my cock throbbing.

Tho I will say Lana looked fucking sexy in that dress, no wonder I went insane-

Suddenly Lana appeared out of thin air and bumped right into my chest "Shit!" before she could fall back I caught her by the wrist and pulled her up.

"Cyrus!" She shouted quickly shoving off me, "Major deja vu right now" I rolled my eyes, "I told you to watch where you're going little mouse, seems like you still don't listen"

My eyes dilate in shock as she doesn't respond with one of her sassy comebacks, "Uh um, should get to class" She stammered walking past me.

I glance back to see her basically running down the hallway while bumping into a few people, I'm starting to think that dream was not a dream...


I survived the day without seeing Cyrus, while in english I sat with Sam while he sat with fucking Sydney.

Not that I'm complaining....

After school while everyone left school I decided to stay and study in the library, there were a couple of students sitting together playing with a fucking Ouija board.

So I sat as far away as possible behind a bookshelf, all my books scattered across the floor while I leaned against the bookshelf while playing Taylor swift on my earbuds.

The thoughts of last night kept crawling back into my head, the much I tried to forget about it the worse the thoughts were.

Images of Cyrus on top of me-

I suddenly feel the inkling of someone staring at me, I glance up from my book and look around to see i'm alone, but by my goosebumps and shivers behind my neck I knew someone must be watching me.

Who am I kidding these fucking idiots are plying with spirits, I decided to sit up and head down the library toward them to ask if they could stop but they were all gone...

It's just in your head Lana, it's just in your dumb head.

As I was about to make my way to my spot I overhear the door lock, I quickly spun around and looked around the room, "Guys!" I shouted with fear in my voice.

I gulped a breath and slowly made my way toward the Library door, I held onto the doorknob to find it fucking locked.

Great I'm stuck on this creepy old library, I tried nudging on the doorknob but it wouldn't budge, I let out a sighed and took out my phone from my back pocket to call Blair.

She must think I'm stupid for locking myself in the library, I scrolled through my contacts when I suddenly get a unknown message, What the hell? I frowned at the message having a video attached to it.

I opened the message to find a video...

Of me trying to open the library door, my heart raced as I watched myself in a point of view that was inside the library, the video stopped when I pulled my phone out, oh my god.

I panted like a wet dog, I looked above me turning and spinning around to see if I see someone, when suddenly my phone beeped from a new message.

My hands trembled as I slowly pulled my phone over,

"You look so beautiful in that outfit, you look just like Violet, Pumpkin"

I tossed my phone across the ground and banged my fist against the door, "Somebody help me!" I shouted while tears started stinging through my eyes.

I felt like dying my heart and chest was aching,

"I love you pumpkin, my sweet little pumpkin, you look gorgeous pumpkin"

My hands trembled so bad I had to take a breath, I couldn't breath and I couldn't see from my blurry vision, I fell to my knees holding onto my heart.

What's happening to me? The fear was eating me alive, it's just a prank it's just a prank it's just a prank

I repeated to myself, My breath cut short as I watched my phone beep again, I tried getting up but failed miserably, I couldn't stand my legs were shaking to much and I felt like passing out.

I sat in the conner of the bookshelf holding onto my knees while I cried my eyes out.

I took long deep breaths trying to calm my nerves down.

"Please be a nightmare" I cried, my throat aches from my tears and coughs of trying to breath-

"Little mouse!" I snapped my neck up to see Cyrus bursting through the library, "Cyrus!" I panicked trying to get up from the ground.

In a blink of an eye he cupped my cheeks and fell to his knees, wiping the tears off my cheek as I couldn't control them faking form my eyes.

"Shh it's okay, I'm here" He whispered, I stared into his eyes while gripping onto his wrist, like I would fall back down if he wasn't here.

Suddenly principle Archer and the school nurse with a couple of security guards came running inside the library, "Ignore them I'm here deep breaths little mouse" just by the tone of his voice I felt my heartbeat decrease.

I took long deep breaths while he did as well along with me, after a few seconds I had wrapped my arms around his neck, he slowly hugged me around my waist and rubbed my back.

"Little mouse, your okay" I let out a soft whimper from the nickname, Little Mouse.

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