Chapter 29: Burnt

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Eyes were all over us, I had no clue if it was disgust or shock on their faces but I hated this type of attention, I glanced up at Cyrus who had a smile on his face while holding onto my hand.

I took a deep breath as we made our way up to our first period-

I then overhear my free hand where I was gripping my phone ringed with a message,

I unlocked my phone while we continued making our way up to-

Unknown: Congrats, you won the bet but does he know?

The message was linked with a photo of Cyrus and I holding hands, but it seemed that the person was hiding behind a locker, alone.

I felt my heartbeat increase and my breath getting heavier, Cyrus froze in place as he noticed my heavy panting, "Little mouse you okay?"

I nod and give him a smile without trying to tear up, "I'll meet you at class" Without waiting for his response I released his hand and paced across the hall.

I shoved people out of my way as I made my way toward the front office.


"Lana we are trying everything we can-"
"It's been weeks and you've haven't said anything are you even trying?" I snap glaring him right in the eyes, "Yes we are, even the cops are involved and they can't seem to track the number down" What?

How is that even fucking possible? "Have you told your sister-"
"No, and I don't want her to find out" I cut Mr. Archer off mid-sentence while I dig my nails into the palm of my hand.

"Blair needs to know about this-"
"I said no, she'll freak out I don't need that right now, I'm an adult and she does not need to find out, nobody does, " He let out a sigh and sat back down on his desk.

I felt like I was being watched, and I had no clue who, but something in the pit of my stomach I knew it could be Sydney but for some reason, I'm my gut feeling I knew it can't be her.


I felt like a lunatic, Lana hadn't been responding to my texts, and it was my fifth round of walking through the entire school trying to find her.

Every negative thought ran through my head, what if she got hurt? or worse kidnapped? it's a goddamn school Cyrus there are cameras-

As I paced upstairs I suddenly bump into a person's shoulder causing them to tumble back, "What the fuck is up with you people not looking where you're going-" Before I could finish my sentence they glared at the ground and ran right past me.

I glance back to see him running out the entrance door-

Jerking back toward where he came from the worst fucking thought crossed my head, little mouse, on the floor, naked crying-


I panicked and ran back upstairs nearly tripping over a step, I froze in place as I saw her walking toward me hugging some books she had in her arms, "Lana" I noted running up to her.

Without hesitation, I pulled her into my arms, and all the books she was holding onto dropped toward the ground on my feet, "Cyrus what's wrong?" she asked with a worried tone hugging me back tighter.

"Where the hell were you I've been calling you for the past ten minutes"

"My phone died, and I was with Sam" She released me from my embrace, and before she could bend down and pick up her books I had picked them up for her.

"Thanks" She smiled holding onto my hand as we made our way back downstairs.


Lana didn't have to say or speak it but I knew it just by the look of her eyes something was wrong.

The way her eye dilates when she sees me, how she clenches her books, how afraid she looks, I'm starting to think she doesn't lo- like me.

Not everything's about you, Winter.

For once I agreed with my self-consciousness, something must be happening, I sat across from her and scowled at her side profile with much caution.

Every five seconds she stares down at her phone, and cracks her knuckles, the way she ran her sweaty palms through her skirt-

"Hey I need to talk to you" I overhear Sam speak while sitting beside Lana, I stare back at the front board overhearing every little word Sam has to say that is so fucking important-

"You should break up with Cyrus-" I frown, what the fuck did she just say?
"Why should I do that?" She folded her arms across her chest while giving her a frown of her own and a tight smirk tugged my lips
"Because he's dangerous...I'm scared he'll try something-"
"You shouldn't judge someone by their looks Samantha, and I don't care about your opinion I like Cyrus and he likes me"

Thats my girl.

"I'm just trying to be a good friend, there are multiple guys who would die to have you, you have big tits an ass to die for, and beautiful features" 
"I'm not looking for a guy who only cares about my beauty, Cyrus doesn't care about my looks and neither do I, I love him, and he-"

My heart paced across my chest at those words slipping out her mouth, I couldn't help but jerk my head toward her direction when she realized she had shouted them throughout the classroom.

My heart pounds, becoming louder and louder from the silence and everyone's eyes met mine, especially Lanas, all I wanted to do was snap all their necks for making her uncomfortable-

"Okay, class-" Before Mrs. Applebottom could finish his sentence he gets cut off by the door being slammed open.

My blood boils when I see the fucking hideous face, there he fucking was.

Gripping the desk, I hold in my growl, his leg in a casket, and scars covering his cheek and arm.

Mason fucking Hawk, "Ah Mason welcome back, how are you feeling" Then suddenly his eyes dart toward mine then to Lanas.

I felt like sitting up from my seat and stabbing him with my blade rings without hesitation till he bled through the room.

Lana's eyes quickly darted to mine, when she noticed my fist gripping onto my palms till my knuckles were white.

"Perfect" Mason smiled staring into Lana's side profile.

He's fucking dead.

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