Chapter 17: Rose

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Before I could even answer we both jump from a door being slammed open, "Cy" I stood up quicker than I did when I see Nevan walking in with blood stains on his hands.

"What the fuck..."
"We have to go-" Nevans eye dart to Lana sitting on the ground with Winter on her knees, we all spring up when Winter starts howling and runs up to Nevan, She starts aggressively barking while getting in between Nevans legs.

"CYRUS RUN!" In a blink of an eye, I picked up Lana by her arm and dragged her with me toward the front entrance, "Run to my bike I'll meet you there!" I shouted releasing her hand as her eye filled with fear.

"Cyrus what's going on-"
"GET TO THE BIKE LANA!" I yelled as I ran back inside.


I did as he said and ran toward the bike in the middle of the woods, one I got there I hesitated to press the ride button, what if he needs me?

I can't leave them in there, what the hell is going on? why did he-

"LANA?!" I jump and let out a scream as I turned around, "Misha-" "Relax okay you need to get out of here-"
"Cyrus needs me I can't leave him!"
"Lana he's fine go now!"
"NO-" Within a blink of an eye someone had picked me up by the waist and dragged me away from Misha, "MISHA!" I screamed and kicked my arms and legs to put me down.

"Girl calm down" Kenji sighed opening his car door while holding onto me, he then sat me down and slammed the door shut, I tried opening it but he must have a child lock.

Fucking shit.


It's been eleven hours since I've last seen or heard of Cyrus, ever since yesterday I didn't give one shit about Cyrus, but now my gut feeling got worse and worse when no one not even Blair or Misha tells me anything. 

It's midnight and I've been staring at the city lights for what seems like forever, I normally go to sleep at nine, but I'm not able to.

I tried shutting my eyes but a sudden tear rolled down my eye toward my pillow case, I ignore my feeling and shut my eyes again.

But I then suddenly overhear the sound of a motorcycle in the distance, I jump up my bed and check my phone.

Unknown: Come outside.

My guilt disappeared in an instant, I rushed and put on my slippers and headed out my room shutting the door as quietly as I could.

Once I shut the front door, I ran as fast as I could toward the elevator, I pressed the down button multiple times when the elevator finally shuts its door I calm down.

I paced across the floor when the doors finally open, I then glance down and I'm greeted with a rose.

A red dark rose, I glance up at the person standing in front of me while holding the rose, "Cyrus" I inhaled a breath.

His face was bruised and so were his knuckles, he seems to get into a extremely bad fight, his lip was busted and he had a blade scar across his nose.

"What happened" I took a step closer while the elevator door closed behind me, "I'm sorry" My eyes widen in shock as he apologized for literally nothing.

In this moment, I was staring at the real Cyrus, his mask had fallen once his eyes met mine and his pupils dilated while his eyes teared up, but he blinked them away in seconds.

Something was wrong, terribly wrong, "Cyrus what happened" I repeated this time closing the gap between us both.

His breath shortened once he traced the scar across my face, "I-" he cut himself off, "Winter got shot because of me"

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