Chapter 41: Mr. Married

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I walked around the fashion store while Sam followed behind along with Blaze, "Blaze hold this" I inhale a breath handing him a red velvet fabric roll.
"I'm your bodyguard Lana" He sighed, Sam gives him a scowl, and he rolls his eyes and takes in a deep breath gripping onto the red fabric.

"Hm, Sam what about Satin," I asked while rolling down a piece of the fabric, "You'll think it'll fit right?"

She hands me my tablet as I looked at my sketches, who knew restocking would be this difficult, since I want to add a new design to my website I need perfect fabric pieces, looking at my designs I swipe through each one with different types of materials drawn.

"I don't know..." I said glancing toward the fabric and my designs, "Sam..." I asked glancing up at her, "yes?" she asked with a smile, "I think I need to up my designs, its winter and I'm selling dresses for the summer-"
"Events" She corrected me, "Events" I smile.

"I can try something new" I sighed and shut the Ipad off, she's right it's been a long time since I designed a something more cozy, it's Winter either way and people aren't walking around wearing summer dresses "Your right," I suck in a breath while staring up at Blaze and Sam giving me sincere smiles.

"Take a break guys, get some hot chocolate I'll stay here and sketch a few projects"
"What are you sure?"
"Yes now go"
"You do realize I don't have breaks?" Blaze arched his thick brow at me, "I'm your boss and I demand you take a break" I said in a firm tone while glaring right through him.

"Yes ma'am" he nodded while giving me a smile before walking out of the store along with Sam.

I giggle and walk out of the fabric store while sketching a new model design, the freezing cold air slams right into my soft skin causing me to shiver, Even tho it's snowing and ice cold outside I didn't look-

Then suddenly the sound of a motorcycle catches my eyes, I jerk my head up and look around me like a madwoman, is it? it can't be.

That's when a guy on a motorcycle catches my eye, I gasp and relief spreads through my chest as I watch a tall man with a leather jacket and long beard hop off its bike, it's not him, it's been six months, and every time I hear the sound of a motorcycle I look up and secretly hope it's him.

I tell myself if I ever see him again I'll run off like the little mouse I am, but my heart still screams to run up to him and give him a hug, after he left I've tried to hide my pain through a smile, but deep down I think everyone knows why I'm working my ass off, trying my best to keep him out of my mind and focus on myself.

You still have hope.

I hate to admit it I do, I secretly dream he'll show up at my door with roses and kiss me deeply.


I walked down the steps of the private jet while Julia followed behind, and Luther followed along with my bags.

"Mr. Winter" He grinned, I nod and open the car door for Julia, her hands gaze mine as she held onto the door to sit in.

I sigh and maintain my eyes-roll I shut the door behind her, I may be an asshole to Julia but I know I shouldn't let my emotions get in the way of being a complete fucking dick.

I sat beside her waiting for Luther to take off, we've landed back in DC, the air is freezing, the clouds are full of snow, and it's never been more of the cold Winter than this month, I can handle the cold, but shit it's goddamn freezing out bitches have to clench their ass.

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