Chapter 47: Date

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Our tongue collide while we consumed each other's taste, "You drive me insane Little mouse" Her hands grip my the back of my neck tightly, dragging me in we play tug a war back and forth bumping into the desk and walls  "Touch me" she moaned into my lips, My cock throbbed at the beautiful melody of her whimpers in my ear.

How much I missed it.

Before I could think I drag my hand across my desk, tossing everything on the floor including my laptop.

I pick her up by her thighs and slam her ass against the desk, my hands grip  her waist pulling her into my cock while she arched her back for me, our kiss was nothing but gentle, we were desperate, hungry for each others taste, she tugged the back of my hair pulling me in for more, while I desperately slam her pussy against my erection showing her who the fuck this belongs to.

"You belong to me"
"I'm only yours" she smiled between our lips, I groan as her free hand taunts me by gripping my hard cock, I release her lips and drag her coat off her arms tossing it to the side of the room, "Do you forgive me?" I ask while she helps me remove my tuxedo coat.

"I don't forgive you, but I still fucking miss you" that's my answer, we're getting somewhere people "Has anyone touched you after I left?" I release her lips glaring right at her eyes.


I give him a smirk and tilt my head as a teasing joke, I'm still a virgin, no one has touched me or allowed anyone to touch me after he left, I've never felt comfortable with anyone but him with my body, "No, you claimed me, and I'm all yours-" Before I could finish my sentence he had slammed his lips back against me, even harder and more aggressively, his grip on my waist tightened as he got between my thighs slamming his hard throbbing cock against me, my clit throbs in pain from his whimpers and aggressive groans.

I felt my underwear soaking just by his kiss it was dying to be ripped off. "Your still a virgin"
"Fuck" he moaned while unzipping-

"Uh, am I interrupting something?" Cyrus jumps off me, his back slamming against the wall behind him, I flinch and froze in place where my hand had been on his body, slowly we glance toward his door, Kenji's eyes wide open in fear, his left eye throbs and he was frozen in complete terror.

"God my eyes" he shut them slowly while walking into the room, his arms fly up as he forces them shut, grasping the air he gestures a tan folder while still keeping his eyes shut, I glance at Cyrus taking the documentary from Kenji's hands, his lips swollen from our kiss, wet and juicy I smile to myself and clench my thighs together.

After Cyrus took the documents Kenji rolled his shoulders back and gave us a slight smile, finally opening his eyes to face us "Use protection, and remember to lock the door" he grins.

"Learn to knock Chen"
Kenji flips Cyrus off while pacing out of his office with dear life, I let out a giggle and doing a mini jump from how high the table is "Anyways I um, should get going I have orders to make" I stammered nervously hiding my chest from my hard nipples showing through my shirt.

"Right I'll lead you out" he offers, I smile as he zipped up his pants and before I could walk toward my coat on the ground.

He had picked it up for me and slipped it over my shoulders, fixing my messed-up hair from our tug of war, along with my lips using his thumb to rub off some excess lipstick.

"Thanks but you don't have to do that"
"I want to" A bright smile I've haven't seen on him since he got back crosses his lips. "What?" I chuckled.

"I knew you missed me,"
"Okay bud don't get ahead of yourself I still don't forgive you" I point him a finger, trying to hide my smile with a fake pout "That's not what your mouth said" Shivers run up my spine as he pulled me closer, "Please let me take you out, and I'll tell you everything over dinner"

I stayed silent and glimpsed into his eyes, trying to find a red flag for me to run away from, but there was nothing but a genuine smile and a mask being torn off his face showing me his true colors. Sighing.

"Okay, pick me up at eight at LAC" I nod giving him a quick peck on the lips before patting his cheek, "That's a thank you"

"For what?" his eyebrows pulled together in confusion, "For being honest, and for that lovely make out before we got rudely interrupted!" I purposely shout at the open door.

"Get a room!" we overhear Kenji shout back, we let out a laugh while making our way toward the elevator, "Text me when you get home safe, promise me?" he held onto my hand as I waited for the elevator doors to slide open.

"I will don't worry" he gives me a worried smile before cupping my cheeks and placing a kiss above my forehead.

"See ya later alligator" Did I really just say that? that kiss really fucked with my head, I'm embarrassed.


I paced across my closet looking for the perfect dress, I couldn't get the feeling off my chest, I've never felt this nervous and anxious for someone, What if he regrets taking me out? what if the kiss was terrible?

Didn't you feel that hard bulge against you-

Thats when I overhear a knock on my door, oh my god, he's here already? I stared down at my outfit, I was only in a black robe with slippers on, I will say I look utterly sexy with my hair and makeup done in this robe, it looks like I'm about to give him a goddamn show but I'm not even ready!

I sigh as I made my way down the hall toward my front door.

I check the peephole just in case, Cyrus stood outside with a bouquet of roses, I take a deep breath to calm my nerves as I unlocked the door and opened it wide.

His gaze landed on my eyes before his stare landed on my body, his eyes undressing me from head to toe, "Your early" I slightly smile gesturing him to walk in.

"I know-" He cuts himself off when his eyes land on specific painting hanging on the wall in the living room facing the front door, swallowing I freeze beside him as the grip on the roses loosened.


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