Chapter 37: Betrayal

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"Tell me what's wrong"
he said, all the terror disappeared when he wrapped his arms around me, I felt safe in his embrace and I never wanted to let go, I wanted to stay here with him, forever.

For eternity, "A guy-"
"A guy?!" He released me and glared down at me with fury when I abruptly turned around while holding onto Cyrus' arm.

Three men with blades popped out the corner of the alleyway they had surrounded me in, "Little mouse go home now" I gasped, Cyrus's arm wrapped around my waist gripped tighter.

"Cyrus they have knives" I glance up at him- watching as he pants in fury.
"And I'm a goddam psychotic killer. Lana. Go. Now" he glared at me with a firm tone in his voice, he wasn't asking, he was demanding, and I knew best to listen.

I ran straight toward the apartment building looking back to see the three men making their way up to Cyrus, they were huge by size not by height compared to Cyrus, and I couldn't let him take them alone.

Running inside, Macy catches my eyes, "Macy call Misha and Vivian now!" I slammed my fist against the front desk while looking back at the entrance doors, desperately trying to catch a glimpse.

"What for-" She frowned-
"Call them now!" Macy flinches at my sudden outburst and without hesitation, she starts dialing for Vivian and Misha.

Thats when we suddenly jump from a gunshot, a fucking gunshot, No...Cyrus, without a second thought I run back outside "Lana wait!" I overhear Macy's shout as I sprinted as fast as I could.

I ran faster than I'd ever run before, my heart racing, and I could barely breathe from my

The thought of Cyrus laying on the ground while bleeding out boiled my blood to the top, it scared me, he can't be dead, he can't be, please be okay please be okay.

I then freeze when I see Cyrus holding someone at gunpoint, my breath got heavier as I get closer,  panting I walk beside Cyrus, the man staring up at him in fear, bloody goddamn fear "This is your last warning, stay away from her or I'll have no choice but to go after him, again"

My breath gets trapped in my throat, I glanced up at Cyrus who gripped the gun with fear life, him? who's him?

"You're willing to start another war with us, for an Ambrose" the man gritted his teeth through the blood dripping down his chin.
"Yes, yes I am," my heart paced inside my chest as I stood behind Cyrus, he's willing to start a war for me? but from who?! who does he have bad blood with.

"Why are you protecting someone you helped nearly get killed,"  The other guy said with a quirky tone grinning directly at me

My heart sank to my stomach, and the words repeated in my head, nearly got killed, I've nearly got killed twice, with Vincent...and the kidnapping of Henry slash Ten "What" I spoke up, Cyrus flinched as he slowly turned to look at me, dread and horror filled his eyes, and I knew...

I instantly knew by his facial expression and his trembling hands, that he did something, something that could have hurt me.

"What did you do" I spoke in a firm tone while fisting both of my fists together, where I felt my nails digging into the palm of my hands, and tears rolling down my eyes.

Behind me, I overhear running steps pacing up to us "What's going on-"
"What did you do!" I screamed from the top of my lungs causing him to flinch, even goddamn Nee York probably heard me, cutting off Misha, my lips trembled, and his eyes shifted into pools of water insanely shifting red, and by the grip on his gun loosening and the uncontrollable shaking, I knew he did something I would never forgive him for.

"Lana please let me explain" His voice cracked, and that caused my heart to shatter but I kept my head up high and asked again.
"Tell me what you did Cyrus" my voice broke, my legs felt like jelly, and I felt like falling from early into another dimension, my eyes brunt from the hot steaming tears, blurred from the pools of unshed tears.


I whispered, he let out a shaky breath and glared down at the ground as if he couldn't look me in the eyes to expose himself

"I-I helped Ten get your location two years ago"

I stayed silent, and the tears break down, no please let this be a nightmare, I told myself over and over, shaking my head no I sobbed and a whimper escapes my throat, he helped Henry kidnap me trigger me, and he didn't say anything after all these months.

"You helped him kidnapped me?" my voice came out calmer than usual, and at that moment, all I felt was hate, pure fucking hate, how dare he make me fall in love, knowing this...this has been holding me back. the pressure in my chest aches in pain and so did my throat from the screams wanting to be released.

Scream your heart out
Hit him
Run away

The way he didn't move an inch made me furious, it made me goddamn enraged, and my screams finally let loose and the anger gets control over me

"I hate you, I hate you, I fucking hate you with all my heart!" I cried out loud slamming my fists into his chest over and over till hard arms pulled me back.

"Lana hey relax-" he whispered.
"Let me go!" I shout trying to fight off the arms around me, by the tattoos I knew it was Misha holding me back, "Calm down" He whispered as I slowly melted into his arms, I felt my heart ache, I haven't felt this type of pain and betrayal since-

The day Vincent hurt me.

I fall into his chest and my cries ache my mouth, it hurts to cry, it hurts to see, everything fucking hurts.

He meant everything to me, why couldn't he tell me earlier, I would have hated him with all my heart, but I hate myself for wanting to forgive him.

"Please let me go" I loudly whispered as I couldn't help the trembling stop, Misha slowly released me and took a step back from me-

When it hit me, none of the so called family behind me had a reaction, they were silent and I felt their glared burning into my back.

I jerk around, looking at my family straight in the eyes, "No" I shook my head back and forth, swallowing a painful gulp,"No don't tell me" I panted like a wet dog, heavier and heavier by Misha, Blair, and Vivians eyes not even surprised by Cyrus's declaration.

A smile crossed my lips, and I knew, I was completely and utterly gone, I'm broken, and I doubt anything will be able to pick up the pieces, that smile...the smile that crossed my lips as I stared at my loved ones with painful tears.

I had completely vanished, and the little girl I wished was still in me died tonight, so did all the little love I had left, all my first and happiness, all I felt was anger, betrayal, and...the scariest one, the urge to fucking hurt.

"You all knew" I chuckled not helping my chuckle be released, "Lana I" Before Blair could take a step toward me, I pulled my hand up stopping her, shaking my head I smile "All of you get the fuck out of my sight," by their eyes filling with shock, I laughed even louder.

I then turn to glance at Cyrus.

"I hate you-" I spoke through gritted teeth
"You don't mean that" he whispered taking a step closer toward me.
"Yes I do, I hate you so fucking much I wish we never met!" I holler, a sudden tear slips from his eye, and his bottom lip trembles faster and faster the more he stared at my face.

"I lo-"
My smile drops "Don't you dare say it"

He stayed silent and took in a deep breath, "I love you, Lana" he then steps toward me but I take a big step back.

The silence was eating me alive, and I wanted to say it back my heart and head finally came together for once and begged me to open my mouth and say it back, even tho it hurt so bad to even look at him I knew deep down I loved him too, and I think I'll always love him and that's what made me hate myself more than I do.

"I love you Lana" he repeated in a firmer tone
"You don't" I whispered quietly tho he could hear it loud and clear.
"I love you so fucking much-"
"I don't" his eyes widened in shock, tho I was shocked by my own response, I didn't show it, and at that moment I didn't want to stab anyone but myself. "Goodbye Cyrus"

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