Chapter 43: Silvia

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With the help of Sam, the dress fits perfectly, while Blaze drove me toward the address Blair had sent me, I felt weird butterflies flying around in my stomach.

Blueberry Blair: Where are you everyone's here!

Me: I'm on my way...

Blueberry Blair: you will not believe who's here!

Me: Who?

Blueberry Blair: Silvia Douglas

My heart rate increased by the name, Silvia Douglas, CEO of the Elite Model Management Industries, one of the best fashion industries the world has seen, is she at the gala?! To work for her is a dream, but what is she doing all the way in DC?


"Who is the lovely lady you told me so much about Winter?" Silvia arched a brow at me while specifically sitting beside the empty chair I reserved for Lana.

The empty seat beside me.

"Seems like she's running a bit late-"

Before I could finish my sentence the front entrance dings, Lana.

As if my sixth sense, I jerk toward the front door along with everyone else-

Is that my...Little Mouse.

I maintain a smile as she stalks toward the table having a smile on her lips, everyone's jaw basically drops when we watched the gorgeous girl nervously swallow, beside her was Blaze in a black tux and her friend Sam in a black dress.

I nearly choked on the cup of champagne I had halfway through my lips, fuck she looks amazing, her eyes dart directly on mine, and I couldn't help but stare with amazement in my eyes at her outfit, her smile drops and tilting her head her eyes dart toward the empty seat beside me.

Fuck me indeed.

I couldn't help but lean back on my chair and huff a breath, Lana you'll be the death of me tonight.

She greeted everyone first with a hug and kiss on the cheek before walking up to me, everyone stayed silent as I stood up and looked her straight in the eye.

"Mr. Winter" she arched a brow not offering me the smile she gave everyone else, "It's getting hot in here" Kenji cooed, I didn't take my eyes off her when Blair back-slapped him on the shoulder.

"Lana," I said, trying my best to keep my voice firm as possible, tho my heart is doing twirls and I'm holding back the urge to pick her little ass up and drag her somewhere private to talk, she bites on the inside of her cheek when she leans up and places a long unexpected kiss on my cheek.

Before she could release me, I held onto her wrist keeping her close to me, "She's my assistant, not my wife" I whispered keeping my tone firm and private hoping she could see te honest truth in my eyes.

"You don't need to explain yourself" I would be lying if I said I didn't have to, because even if she doesn't know it, Lana Ambrose is still mine, it'll take time to win her back, but I give no shits if I turn eighty and I'm still running after her, she will be mine again mark my words.

She sighed noticing the only empty seat is beside me, taking the seat she nervously glances at Silvia, "Lana Ambrose" I slightly smile as she holds her hand out for Silvia, "Silvia Douglas" Silvia shook her hand gently in hers, seeing the smile on Lana's face brings back old good memories.

"So, Cyrus how has Italy been?" Misha breaks the silence giving me a tight grin, "Fine, stressful, and memorable" From the corner of my eye I could see Lana jerk her head in my direction.

Shit that wasn't the right word.

I had no idea why I was nervous, I'm never nervous, Because she looks stunning and you know you can't have her.

"Describe memorable" She suddenly spoke. Fuck.

I turn to glance at Lana chugging the champagne down her throat, while glaring at me above the glass cup, let's not do this now Little Mouse.

"A new life, position," I said
"Seems like lives been good for you" She nods giving me a smile, a non genuine fucking smile.
"It has, but someone is missing to fulfill it" I add on, She clears her throat ignoring my sentence, the air between us was thick of tension enough, Cut it out Cyrus.


I felt my heart ache as I ignored his last sentence, god can't this dinner just go on quicker, a few minutes passed by, and everyone was chatting.

Thank god I couldn't stand the silence, "Lana isn't it?" I froze in place, I slowly glanced to Silvia's side to see her giving me a wide smile, "Yes that's me" I return the smile, "Love the dress who's your designer?"

My lips make an O shape before I could answer, oh my mother of god Silvia Dougles is asking who my designer is?!

Now is your chance to impress her.

"I did-"
"She made it, she's a fashion designer with hundred of sales" Before I could answer the idiot beside me did it for me, swallowing I nod.

"Wow that's impressive" she smiled glimpsing between Cyrus and I, "Yes it is"
"How long did it take you to make this dress? and where can I buy it"

I'm dreaming this is a dream, wake up Lana wake the fuck up, I couldn't maintain my smileThe Silvia is asking if she could buy my dress?! Holy crap this could change everything, my life my career.

"It took me at least ten hours to sew and this is the first one of my collection it'll be on my website soon" I control my stammering and fidgeting, and try my best to maintain eye contact showing her my confidence is one way to impress her-
"Collection?" For once in my life Siliva Douglas was shocked, or surprised, or worse disgusted?! Oh my god is she disgusted?! Oh no what did I say?

"Yes, it's called The Black Butterfly Collection," I said in a firm tone tho I'm freaking out, I force my hand steady forcing my glass of champagne to meet my lips.

I took three big chugs while she calls for her assistant!?

Oh shut the front door.

"I would love to see this collection" She then hands me her personal card, a black luxury details card with her name and personal phone number imprinted on it,and with shaky hands, I gently take it from her grasp.

While I looked calm, my heart was pounding against my chest, "It was great seeing you Cyrus, but I have something to take care of" Silvia sat up giving everyone a smile, "Lovely to meet you, Lana, hope to get in contact with you soon"

"likewise" I blink grinning on my teeth from excitement, everyone greets her goodbye meanwhile I was frozen in shock, my jaw hurts from how much I was smiling and I couldn't believe what just happened.

"Lana" Cyrus sat up having his hand out for me, My smile drops and slowly I glance up at him "Yes?" I arch a brow my eyes darting toward his hand on his gaze, "A word...please?" Please? Since when does Cyrus Winter say please.

Hesitating I glance at the table, everyone was to busy to notice us, I hesitate at first, but it's best if we clear the air, "Sure"

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