Chapter 3

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It's nothing but a phase of test from God. Sometimes there's darkness and sometimes there's light but Alas! He can never know how it's like to see the light as his sight is always full of darkness.

Cold freezing breeze swirled pass him. As the boy wrapped the thin blanket around him tightly standing near his window. He wanted to count the stars and feel the beauty of the moon but everyone is not lucky enough to see them but those who are lucky enough don't value such precious things as it is so normal for them.

He can feel the night dawning at him. The only indication was the cold wind, chirping of insects and his wandering heart. His mother used to tell him that the nights are most beautiful as the stars littered the sky and moon shines brightly for the wanderers passerby.

He can feel the cold soft light of the moon, which meant the moon is full maybe or maybe not.

Life was beautiful when his parents were beside him. Not once they let him dwell upon his disability. Always telling him that he's unique and most preciously beautiful in his own way.

Now in this stage of life. He often thought that maybe his parents lied to him. Maybe they said everything to make him feel special.

But when they were gone from his life. When God took them away from him. The boy was broken.

After them he really realized that he's blind the thing he called his uniqueness was nothing more than a disability.

His aunt who brought the boy at her home after his parents death made it clear to him everyday that how big of a burden he is.

With his parents he thought he was beautiful just like an angel according to his dad but his aunt never called him beautiful instead he used to call him. 'Ugly blind piece of trash, good for nothing burden' And what not.

Where his parents used to cherish him like a prince, where they used to boost up him confidence. His aunt made it shatter and drilled the confidence, self esteem and happiness out of the boy as she made the boy believe that he's ugly, blind and can't even do any work so he's nothing more than a burden.

Twelve years of his parents words were pressed down in the bottom of his soul and the five years of his aunts cruel words now resides in his soul.

when his aunts remarks won't work on the boy. She would hurt him, slap him.

Often times when something bad happened to the aunt and her son Mark Tuan,. They would blame the boy, calling him a black curse on their family.

Never the boy thought that her aunt who is his Uncle's wife would become such horrible person towards him. He often used to say to his aunt that, 'Let me go. I'll leave and stay in the Orphanage But no. His aunt only once mentioned about certain insurance money for the boyl. Maybe his aunts get some money his parents left for him. That is the only reason his aunt was keeping him.

His mother was the only child just like him so the boy didn't have any relative from that side and his father had a brother who died long ago but his wife is the one who's now keeping the boy.

His aunt is poor. They live in a small apartment of two rooms. One room is occupied by auntie and one is occupied by Mark. Yet they were kind enough to let him stay in the store room rather than the streets.

Store room or more like his room. It isn't big enough to fit a bed, nor they were willing to give him any. A small mattress placed in one corner on the floor, with two small cabinets place under the window. The boy used that cabinets as his cupboard as he didn't have much things of his own. The cabinet also provides as a seat for his to sit on at nights near the window. A small table is placed near his mattress where his small things placed. A special type of book with words popped out a bit for blinds to touch, feel and read. His father had gifted him this book on his fifth birthday.

He was so glad that his mother thought him how to read the books. He wasn't blind before as his parents were his sight as they explained everything to him with such softness and happiness that the boy never felt he was blind. But when they died they took his sight along with them.

He only knows the world as much as his parents had elaborated it to him.

His aunt isn't kind enough to elaborate a single color as he was always busy in telling about how ugly and burden full soul the boy is.

His aunt is one thing but her son Mark who do nothing but stays at home was another mean person he came across. In one place he call him ugly and bitch and in second place he would try to touch him when he's off guard.

He first tried to harass him when he turned eighteen. The man he used to call brother was nothing but a ridiculous man. When he told auntie about Mark's behavior. Auntie dismissed it saying 'who would like to touch a garbage like you' at that time he realized, he can't stay there anymore.

So he ran. He ran away from them but how far can a blind person go, that to a young boy who is vulnerable for anyone around. His so called family caught him before he could run any further.

That day was the worst day of his life. His aunt had beaten him with belt so much that his back was bleeding and not only that. The woman starved the boy in his storeroom for two consecutive days.

From than on wards his life had gotten worst. His aunt would find small mistakes to punish the boy and once when unintentionally the boy burned his aunt's shirt while ironing. The woman brutally burned the boy's hand with the same iron.

He knows he can't runaway from them and he had to get away from Mark for the time being when his aunt is at work.

The boy used to go to the near by Orphanage. There he asked for a job, any job without even a pay was acceptable for his just to get away from Mark. The people were kind enough as they gave him a job as a teacher. He has his own period where he thought good ethics and deeds to the children.

In this way when his aunt goes to work the boy come here in the orphanage and will reach home when his aunt comes back. First his aunt was against it, but the boy gave the few amount of money he received to him. Only that's why his aunt allowed him to do that work which he was thankful to god and every month he gave his income to his aunt.

Now as the boy  had turned 21 his aunt who is an old traditional woman would everyday curse the boy's fate saying. No one is going to ask for the hand of a 'blind ugly bitch like you' Boy's get married at the age of 17 and 18 and here you are 21 and a cursed burden on our head. These were her words everyday.

Abrupt opening of the door had him tensing as he immediately stood up feeling his heart in his throat. Expecting the worst but the boy slightly relaxed hearing his aunt's sharp voice.

"Eh!Taehyung!" The boy flinched at the woman's tone as he came forward standing in front of the boy, whose head was bowed down in tension.

"Wake up early tomorrow. There's a man whom I know very well, has asked your hand in marriage. He will be coming tomorrow to see you. So just make your ugly self look presentable." His aunt Nora spat at the boy's face venomously as she left the storeroom with a loud thud of the closing door.

Taehyung felt bitter tears forming in his eyes as he controlled his building sobs. That night he prayed and prayed to god to save him from this hell. To send an angel to protect him from these people.

The boy dozed of on the mat seeing his parents face he whispered.

'Your Taehyung is fading.'

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