Chapter 18

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Slight headache has his eyes fluttered opening as he blinked several times

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Slight headache has his eyes fluttered opening as he blinked several times. His fingers massaged his temples as he slowly sat on the bed trying to recall the happenings but as soon as the memories hit him. His eyes started to moisten up.

His fingers touched his bruised lips and the aching place on his neck where he bit him. A sob escaped his lips as he punched the bed with all his might and keep punching it.

How dare he! How could he do something so wrong to him! He harassed him. How could he! He kept on punching the bed while sobbing.

He was disgusted, angry and sad. Everything he did was making him feel like dying.

How he got in this bed? His mind started running at marathon pace. Did he take advantage of him? New set of tears escaped his eyes as he touched his clothes. They are the same ones he was wearing.

But he didn't know if he took advantage of his unconsciousness or not. He isn't a kind man but rather a wild animal, a beast. What could he expect from him?

His actions repeated in his mind making his body cold. The way he manhandled him. The way he forcefully kissed him. Now what will he tell his future husband. That he isn't first kiss. That some evil animal forcefully took his first kiss and then god knows what he did to his unconscious state.

"Are you done?" A deep, powerful voice spoke beside him.

The boy shrieked out in horror. For a second his body froze and his heart was ready to burst out of his chest. He was sitting here all the time. With wide, tearful, scared eyes, he faced the area where his voice came from. And without thinking much he spoke.

"W-why?" His voice came out as a broken sob.

The way he was punching the bed. He totally assumed he's punching him. His doe like honey orbs filled with tears. The way his long, silky honey colored hairs were curtaining his forehead from him had him urging to touch those beautiful locks. To feels its touch on his fingertips. He controlled his urges.

"Keep this straight in mind. You're not going anywhere, not now not ever." He spoke authoritatively.

His words sent waves of disappointment and desperation in his body. "I w-will I-leave... For sure..." he spoke so softly, but he heard it anyway and his face became cold at once.

Grabbing his arm in a death grip, he yanked him up so abruptly that he yelped in pain.He was on his knees on the edge of the bed as he was hovering over his small form while standing beside the bed.

His hand shot up to loosen his hold on his arm but it was impossible. "What did you say?" He seethed angrily.

He was angry, beyond angry. He wanted to yell at him. Tae wanted to punch him in the face.

But he wasn't stupid. His lips and chin started to wobble as he faced his tormentor and kept his mouth shut. When he didn't say anything for the longest of the times. His face got deadly closer to him and as soon as his hot breath fanned his face. His free hand shot up to his mouth, and he placed it protectively over his lips to protect his lips if he tried his ridiculous act again.

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