Chapter 15

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Tae has taken a good review of his surroundings and from what he has touched and observed, he's in a posh, beautiful room

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Tae has taken a good review of his surroundings and from what he has touched and observed, he's in a posh, beautiful room. The smells radiating of the couch and furniture is that of the new one. There's a restroom on the other side of the bed which he hasn't used yet and he desperately wanted to use.

The boy was aghast when that evil man indicated it clearly that he won't let him go. Why? Was the only question racking his mind. He killed his Aunt and Mark. He's a murderer and kidnapper to.

The mere thought of killing and murder made cold shivers run down his spine and not to mention how brutally he treated him when he blamed him for IU's kidnapping. And when he got to know the truth he's still not letting him free. What does he want from him? Maybe he thinks the boy is going to tell cops about him being a killer.

Yeah he's afraid that he might tell cops about him and he'll go to jail forever. And Tae is definitely going to do the same when he gets free from here but then again his heart didn't want IU to go through the pain of knowing about her cousin's deeds whom she considered like her own brother. What will happen to uncle Seo-joon and Min ypung auntie when they'll know there's a murderer in their family. Their heart will broke and their pride will fall.

Tae didn't want this to happen to Jeon's in his scariest dreams. His train of thoughts were stopped when he heard light footsteps approaching.

On cue the door of that room creaked opened. Tae was standing at the foot of the bed, his back facing the door. He didn't know who it is but he definitely knows it's not him. But nonetheless he was still scared.

Son, How's your foot?" The same soft voice of Aunt's reaches his ears and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Slowly Tae turned around with a slight limp and spoke rather inaudibly. "It's paining less." His voice extremely soft.

Aunt is the one who look after Jungkook and Eunwoo after their parents death. They treat Aunt like their own mother and she treat them like her own sons. Aunt used to work in mansion under Jungkook's mother but after their death. He bought his own mansion and asked Aunt to stay with him. Eunwoo was in New York for studies so Aunt came with him to his mansion and has been taking care of him and his house from then on wards. Even tho Aunt loved him a lot and he does the same but still she knows the lines of her authority on him.

Aunt never saw him bringing a man or woman to his place and let alone a boy, she was stunned. The boy was beautiful and has an innocence to his face. She didn't know why or what but she silently treated the unconscious boy and stitched his foot when he was unconscious. Aunt also changed his clothes on Jungkook's order.

When Aunt tried to ask him about it. He simply dismissed the topic saying. 'Take care of his food and everything Aunt. He can't see.'

And now looking at the scared boy standing in front of her Aunt couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Because it was clearly written on the boy's face that he's here against his will.

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