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"Jungkook don't you I dare!" Tae warned him in a slow whisper and in a groggy voice, making him smirk.

The large hunk of a man picked the small bundle of joy in his muscly arms, being really cautious as he took his girl to the attached room and placed his little two year Aera in the baby bed that was beside their own bed. He softly covered his baby girl and kissed her forehead lightly.

He turned around while removing his shirt in one go and literally jumped on his wife making him giggle, and he wrapped his large muscly arms around his soft form and cuddle him. "You know I love you Baby Bear?" He asked like a child making him giggle. "No I don't know." He mused with a pout, his stormy green eyes looked at him intensely as he hovered over his small frame. "Then let me fucking show you!" He growled making him smirk and then giggle as he smashed his lips on his cherry ones.

Next day was one of the hectic day as he made breakfast for them. Jungkook being a lovely father feed baby food to his daughter as Taehyung was busy in doing other chores.

After his chores he got his bundle of joy and got her all ready and beautiful. He handed Aera to Aunt who has come back from her village to work for them again and when Aunt came back, Taehyung felt that the motherly place of an elder is filled in their house.

Jungkook was still in shower, but he already showered and did his light makeup. He wore his beautiful dress and let the buttons open while smirking mischievously.

On cue the door of the restroom opened and his handsome, all muscles and sexy husband came out dripping wet just in a towel that hung loosely on his hips, making his heart to do those all too familiar flip-flops. He pretended not to see him and tried to zip button his shirt, and then he felt it.

His cold fingers touching his back making his breath hitch. He lowered his face, kissing the nape of his neck, making his breath to hitch as he knowingly backed into his body making him groan.

"You want me to fuck you Baby Bear?" He rasped near his ear making his eye to close as he bit in his lower lip and nodded his head shyly.

He groaned and kissed his neck more roughly earning a moan from him. "We'll get late babe." He mused biting his earlobe as he only mumbled a small. "Hmmm!"

"You are not helping Baby Bear." He complained looking at his sexy body and those lovely honey orbs.

"Mhmmm." He mused as he lifts his hips up to touch his hardness making him groan as he giggled at his frustration. He immediately button his shirt , turned around gave him a deep passionate kiss on his lips, taking his breath away, while squeezing him rear and then immediately went into the walk-in closet to get dressed before things get too heated between them.

He came out all well-dressed and looking handsome as always. Taehyung wasn't in the room anymore, he must be waiting downstairs. He loves, how he gets ready really fast.

As soon as he went down into the lounge, his heart swelled up with happiness looking at two precious gems of his life looking breathtakingly gorgeous.

"You are looking beautiful." Jungkook complimented as he kissed his forehead lovingly. "And my daughter is looking like an angel." He smokes softly to his baby girl, kissing her forehead as well.

"And Aunt you look beautiful, surely some old men are going to get heart failure." Jungkook mused facing Aunt, making her gasp as Jungkook and Taehyung laughed out loud.

They all went to the haveli, where the ceremony was happening and Taehyung was glad he wasn't late. Namjoon and Jhope were standing at the entrance receiving everyone and as soon as they saw Taehyung approaching more like Aera approaching they attacked on Taehyung to take the pretty kid in their arms. Aera was giggling happily, getting attention of her uncles as she went in Namjoon's arms smiling happily.

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