Chapter 65

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Life is far from what we expect. The lines in our hands are already written by the best of the writers, and we just go where the tunes of fate take us.

The wind was chilling as thick smoke surrounds him. The rustling of the leaves could be heard as he stared at the vast black sky. Stars were twinkling beautifully as the moon shine brightly. It was so serene and peaceful yet his heart was in pure turmoil.

He will not deny that he was shamelessly attracted to him for the very first time he opened his eyes after coma. He was beautiful with innocence in his eyes and that same night he found him in a mere towel wrapped around his luscious small body as he roamed his hospital room.

He still remembers how tempting his snow-white skin looked to him. Those slim legs, his collarbone. Gosh! It was extremely hard for him not to have his way with him right there in the hospital room.

And from then onward, he was always by his side and it got more difficult for him to control himself, yet he tried his best to stay away from him and keep his control.

He could have anyone with the click of his fingers, but he couldn't have him not because he can't have him. It was because he was so innocent and respectable, manners and purity oozes out of him. So, trying that one night stand stunt wasn't safe. He's not one of those and it frustrated him more.

When he saw him talking with his brothers, Jimin and Jhope, a twinge of jealousy he felt was far stronger. It was out of his understanding that why he's feeling this way in the first place. And when Jhope called him Taetae, everything ticked off.

He's married! He got disappointed and enraged but their little quarrel ended up in him knowing that he's no one else's wife but his.

The time when he got to know that he's his. He was shocked would be understatement but when he blows that he married him forcefully, he felt relaxed because that sounded like him but when he said, later they fell in love. That didn't settle well with him.

He considered this love thing as a weakness. How stupid he was to fell in love with a boy. He didn't want to be that old Jungkook who was a love sick puppy.

If he married him forcefully than he could simply have him. Why involving all that love thing and fuss?

One thing was cleared to him that he was attracted to him before and is attracted to him now as well, and nothing can change that.

It's just a matter of time. Once he'll taste him, his mind will be back to proper thinking again.

But he didn't want to force himself on him. Yet he did, he did wrong to his own wife, whom he's supposed to protect. Fuck the circumstances which led him to do it.

He will not deny the effect he had on him. He will never forget this night. He loved being inside him. The sensations he felt was like never before. It felt heaven but on the other hand he was dying in guilt and disgust because he shouldn't have done this.

He's one of a kind, who never felt guilt or remorse but yet here he was drowning in the deep pits of shame.

When Namjoon, Eunwoo and Jimin were arguing with him as to why he beat Jackson. He didn't want to tell them what idiot of a Jackson did. Jackson is Jungkook's brother, how could he hold on and confess to his Brother in law. That beating was necessary for him to get that fucking idea out of his head. It wasn't like Jungkook enjoyed beating his own brother. Jungkook felt like crying after beating Jackson, that's why he left the home and get drunk in the club.

Jackson is the most precious to him of them all. His stupid jokes and jolly nature is Jungkook's peace. Jungkook was torn after beating Jackson. His heart was weeping inside for doing what he did, but it was necessary. Jackson is his blood, of course he was in pain as much as Jackson was. But just because he appeared all strong and calm doesn't mean, he's not hurt! What could be worse than hurting your love ones? It wasn't only Jackson who's hurt, Jungkook was hurt as well

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