Chapter 20

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Taehyung in a bone crushing hug

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Taehyung in a bone crushing hug. Taehyung wasn't expecting this. He thought Min Young auntie will hate him for being related to Nora but this woman was truly a blessing on Jeons.

Uncle Seo-joon also patted his head. Seo Ye-ji auntie gave Taehyung cheeks-kiss, which felt extremely odd to him. Uncle Soo-hyun wasn't home as he has gone to Dubai regarding some business. Eunwoo and Jackson were also present there. Nor they spoke and neither did he wanted to talk to them.

IU guided Taehyung to his room and gave the boy some clothes to wear and tell him about the essentials in the restroom. Taehyung went to the restroom and heaved a sigh of relief.

First time in his life he was glad that he couldn't see. The moment he told IU that he wanted to come to the Mansion. He knows he will be deadly pissed off at him. His face must be showing true menace. Thank god, he didn't saw that. It must be pretty scary looking.

Taehyung couldn't help but felt a cold shudder passed through his body realizing the gravity of his doings. The time he blackmailed him with his gun was because he wanted him to tell IU that he isn't coming. Instead of blackmailing him, he could probably tell his sister that Taehyung will not go with you. But no! He blackmailed him, which simply meant IU was at the upper hand there. It was up to Taehyung to either choose his freedom or stay in his clutches for ever. So he simply chose the most tempting freedom.

Now he is deeply aware, that hot headed man will not let him at peace. God knows what will he do now. So he must find himself a place to live. After all this is also his mansion. Even tho, he's safer here because of his family members, he'll be a bit civilized but in the end this is his mansion, and he must leave better earlier than later.

After shower, he changed into the clothes that IU gave him and it was bit tight on him . Drying his hairs with towel.

Slowly opening the door he came in the room only to be surprised by a male voice. The boy squealed shortly and hold his hand on his chest to control his breathing. IU's giggles could be heard as Jackson laughed loudly.

Taehyung has met Jackson few times, whenever he comes here but every time he scares him just like this. He's a bit arrogant sometimes but nonetheless he loves his family.

Jackson was expecting a certain type of comeback from him but the boy kept his mouth sealed.

Taehyung felt a presence on his right side but IU's and Jackson laughter came from front. His heart almost stopped in thinking that his captor is here but the voice that spoke wasn't his. "Good to see you."

He instantly realized it was Eunwoo's voice. He didn't want to talk to these two at all. When he didn't answer him for long. Eunwoo sighed, even tho, he didn't know the boy for long, but he knew it very well. He will not talk to him.

IU observed the tension in three as she spoke. "Am I missing something?" Both Eunwoo and Jackson spoke instantly.

"No!" Eunwoo.

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