Chapter 59

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WARNING SEXUAL ABUSE AHEAD. Don't read this chapter if you're not comfortable. Taehyung(Femboy and Mpreg)

"Come here right now!" He growled with his gun aiming at him, but he didn't move from his place. His dignity is far more important than his life.

Jungkook growled angrily. "Strip wife!" He commanded him making his heart to drop down in the pits of his stomach.

"You're d-drunk p-please d-don't d-do t-this." Taehyung pleaded while tears continuously pouring out of his eyes.

The man in front of him snickered. "I am in my fucking senses. Now strip boy or I'll rip your clothes myself!" He growled loudly making him flinch back.

His eyes were wide at his words and his lips trembled as he was crying, his chin wobbling. He stood immobile as his heart was drumming in his ears making him numb. He was looking at the floor, not being able to see his dark ruthless face.

"Fine then if you didn't Strip in next two minutes. I'm going to shoot myself. And then you'll lose the hope of getting your old Jungkook back!" He threatened him calmly as he placed his gun on his temple making his form to become stiff as he stared at him wide-eyed, making the boy to abruptly move. His feet having their own mind started moving like a robot as they stopped in front of him.

"P-please d-don't!" He cried out as his hands shook in fear. His pleading eyes stared at him for sympathy but there was none as he just wanted to make the process faster aimed the gun at the ceiling and shot it.

Taehyung cried out as he placed the gun at his temple and placed his finger on the trigger. "STOP! I'm doing-I'm doing!" He spoke with wide eyes as his hands were in air as if stopping him from pulling the trigger.

"Then Strip Boy. I WILL NOT REPEAT MYSELF!" He gritted through his teeth making him shrink back in fear.

His shaking hands went to the hem of his shirt as he slowly pulled it above his head and a low sob escaped his lips. Feeling his intense gaze on his trembling form.

With trembling hands he tucked his thumbs in his waistband and pulled his pant down. His whole body was trembling in fear and disgust. Not once he looks up to face him. His arms wrapped around his form to hide himself from his scary gaze.

Black looks fucking ravishing on you!" He spoke in his deep vibrating voice making him close his eyes in disgust as his tears continued to pour out of honey colored eyes.

"Look at me kitten!" He spoke sternly and angrily, making him slowly to look at his eyes which were looking keenly at his scar on his belly and ribs. But he didn't say a word about it.

As soon as his dark green eyes met his teary honey ones. He smiled so evilly and mumbled. "Remove them!" He commanded him while motioning his gun towards his undergarments.

His lips trembled as he shook his head lightly in negative while closing his eyes. He wanted to hide far away from him at that moment. He couldn't bare to look at his dark eyes. They scared him.

P-p-please-" His voice got cut with his loud angry growl. "I. SAID. REMOVE. THEM!" He snarled as he stood up making him flinch back hard as he felt his mind spinning.

A sob escaped his lips as he shook his head in negative again. "Fine then I'll do it myself!" He hissed as the next second he was up on his feet moving towards him like a predator.

Jungkook threw his gun on the couch and before he could move he picked him up and threw him on the bed harshly. He landed on the bed face first. Before he could gather his bearings he was on top of him.

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