Chapter 30

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The boy stayed quiet not uttering a word

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The boy stayed quiet not uttering a word.

Jungkook saw his hand as he knowingly held both the hands in his so suddenly that his eyes widened as he flinched back. Thinking that he's going to hit him again.

The boy tried to free his hand from his large rough, calloused hands, but he won't let go.

"Where is your engagement ring of mine?" He asked while holding in his delicate beautiful hands.

The boy stayed quiet and continued to struggle to get his hands free from his hold but it felt impossible. "When I ask you something. You answer it Baby bear. I don't want to get mad at you." He spoke the last part deliberately to make his speak.

"I-it must be i-in Tzuyu's h-and. S-She was t-the b-bride." Taehyung mumbled so softly while stuttering that he had to listen carefully to understand what he's saying.

His answer was right but it did make him angry. Heaving a long breath his thumb circled on his soft palms. As his green hawk-like eyes stay rooted to his hands as he drinks in every line.

The boy was extremely uncomfortable as well as angry, he could see it and why wouldn't he. He did wrong and he deserved to be angry. Dammit! Why is he ending up with every logic in his favor?

When her struggle grew and Tae became stiff. He tightened his hold and slowly gave his palm a deep kiss, his Jaw grazed his fingers as he did the same to his other palm and his eyes were fixated on him.

The changes of his expressions were so amusing and alluring to him as his eyes became widened as he faced the floor. His lips in thin line as rosy color tinted his cheeks.

He lightened his hold on his hands, and he immediately snatched his hands from his as if he's fire, and he wrapped her hands on his lap.

Jungkook chuckled softly at his tactics. Literally he's something else. Enjoying the moment way too much he tried to make the mood lighter.

"Are you hungry?" He asked him softly as he sits now properly with his one leg on the bed and other hanging down. His elbow rested on his lap as he placed his face on his hand as in resting position as he stared at him dreamily.

The boy stayed mute feeling extremely uncomfortable as he knew he's staring at him. In every two seconds he adjusts to cover himself, even tho he is fully covered.

"I've asked you something wifey?"

The way he said wifey felt extremely weird in different ways as he slowly shook his head in negative.

"But I'm starving. And I know you're as well." He spoke matter of factly as he kept on observing him.

"Wanna eat pizza?

He asked again and the boy simply shook his head in no again.

"Wanna eat burger?"

He asked again and the boy simply shook his head in negative again.

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