Chapter 46

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Sorry for late update lovelieess.....

As i am Team lead in the company .....Currently projects are high that's the reason for late update..I will try to update more often......

Hope u guys forgive me

Back to story:


Jungkook cursed loudly as he slammed his fist on the wall so harshly that his own knuckles started to bleed.

Not any of the three men said a word as they stared it him.

"That bastard Choi minho kidnapped Namjoon!" He yelled loudly as he punched the wall again.

Jimin ran a hand through his hair in frustration as he felt like killing those bastards. Eunwoo and Jackson were tense at that news.

"What does he want?" Jimin asked seriously as he was aware that Choi minho never do such stupid acts without any purpose. He was a fine cunning bastard.

Jungkook closed his eyes for a brief second as he breathed in deeply. "He wants me dead." He spoke calmly as the storm was still brewing inside of him.

Silence followed in the surroundings as no one dared to speak a word. If Choi Minho thinks it's easy to kill Jeon Jungkook then he is in fucking hallucination.

"What will we do now?" Asked Jackson in a tensed voice. They didn't want to lose their one brother in the life of the other.

Jungkook turned around facing them as his eyes were cold now and his posture intimidating. "I'm going to save him. If Choi Minho wants me dead then he'll have me." Jungkook spoke so calmly in his cold voice that Jackson felt chills in his spine at his cold tone.

"But Hyung-" Eunwoo tried to reason but one glare from his side stopped him mid sentence.

As the silence followed they got the hint that the conversation is over.

Taehyung was shifted into the Mansion in Jungkook's room. He can still remember the day when he had touched him for the very first time and felt his body as he considered it to be canvas on the wall but it ended up in his utter embarrassment when he realized it was a man.

He smiled softly at the thought as he inhaled his scent from the sheets. He was told that their house is under construction as it got badly damaged due to fire and Taehyung has to stay in Mansion with the family for a couple of weeks, and he didn't mind it at all.

Last night Jungkook brought him here and then left immediately saying that he needs to do some urgent work.

Taehyung isn't stupid to toss it off. He knows very well someone tried to kill him in his own house. He was drugged and then was left to burn alive but luckily Jungkook came and saved him.

After knowing Jungkook this much, he's hundred percent sure that Jungkook will look into the matter and will surely try to find out who's behind it.

The mere thought of it that someone almost killed him in his own house was terrifying. This clearly means Jungkook has a lot of enemies.

Sometimes he thinks about what he does for a living. Even though he knows he handles their family business, it's not only that. His man is dangerous that is clear as light, and he has also seen the glimpses of it when he kidnapped him along with Nora and Mark. But every time this thought emerges in his mind, he pushes it away, not willing to think about it all. Maybe this is childish of him, but he didn't want to accept it.

Taehyung was scared senseless after that incident of fire but after Jungkook consoled him he became relaxed.

Now just to forget about that incident, he kept his mind focused on the euphoria of getting his sight back. Dr. Yoongi has told him that they'll remove the gauze in a week. The time prolonged due to his excess crying which was about to cause an infection but gladly that didn't happen but it did slow the process of healing but nonetheless he'll be able to see in a week.

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