Chapter 14

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"Huh!" He mumbled confused and scared not getting what he's implying

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"Huh!" He mumbled confused and scared not getting what he's implying.

Jungkook didn't bothered to elaborate anything to him as he moved to the bed side table and picked up the dish of food and sat on the bed in front of him. The boy moved back at his sudden behavior.

"Here eat something." He places the plate of food in front of him on the bed.

The boy just sat their like statue. Even tho he was hungry before but now even the delicious aroma of food didn't change his mind, he was scared in his presence and the thing that he knows the truth and still not letting him go is eating his brain.

"Eat!" He spoke loudly making him flinch. Jungook's patience was running thin at his such behavior.

"I'm n-not h-hungry. J-just let m-me go!" He whispered with scared voice

That's it! He hasn't eaten anything from two days, was merely surviving on tap water and to top it all has lost blood due to injury and still he's resisting to eat.

"Are you eating by yourself or you want me to feed you because boy..." He intentionally caressed his cheek with his knuckles and like flash the boy flinched back and he continued.

"If I had to feed you. I'll make you sit on my lap with my arms all around your body keeping you in place. And will force the food down your throat. Now you want that?" He asked calmly as if he hasn't sucked the life out of the boy just by his mere words.

Tae's mouth was opened ajar in horror and his face was pale as lifeless. His wide eyes stared from where his voice was coming.

He so desperately wanted to call him 'bloody blackmailer' but he chooses to seal his mouth shut. And he didn't know why but from the bottom of his heart he knows he'll do it

A frail hand came out from his sheet castle and he slowly touched the plate then he slowly dragged the plate inside his castle and the next thing his face to disappeared inside his sheet castle.

Jungkook stared stunned at this child like tactics. And for a second he thought that he's treating with a child. Weird! But cute!

Wait! what?

The voice of spoon clattering with plate indicated he was eating and in few minutes half eaten plate was slowly pushed out of his sheet castle and he to bothered to show his face.

His appetite is so small just like his frame.

"Water?" He asked calmly. The boy kept his eyes down covered by thick long lashes but nodded slowly.

Tae couldn't understand why this man was being good to him. Let it be for a second, but what does he want.

He felt the glass of water touching his lips so he immediately took it from him and drank the water completely.

Jungkook places the plate and glass on the bedside table and now he was staring at him.

He could feel his heated gaze on him and it made him highly uncomfortable. When all of a sudden his voice reached his ears.

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