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Bright sunlight had his eyes opening slightly as he was met with darkness again

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Bright sunlight had his eyes opening slightly as he was met with darkness again. Sighing the boy stayed in his mattress for long, trying to control his thoughts and mind. Willing himself to expect something good.

Nora provided the boy with new clothes to wear in front of the guests. This was probably the first thing his aunt gave to Taehyung with pure happiness.

How much the boy wanted to look happy but internally he was depressed knowing that his aunt is happy than there must be something in this for her benefit. That woman would never do anything without something in return.

Groggily the boy showered and changed into the new set of clothes his aunt brought for him. Drying his hair.

Taehyung has nothing to apply on his face other than one light pink shaded lip color which was gifted to him by one of his students on teachers day. He dabbed the lipstick slightly on his cheeks and one light stroke on his lips. Dabbing his lips together, He rubbed his cheeks to make a bit blush. One of his colleagues thought him this trick of makeup in which only lipstick is used and you're ready.

He can hear voices coming from the lounge indicating that the guest has arrived.

He has asked his aunt what his dress color is and the woman simply replied with light pink. Taehyung remembered his mother once told him that light pink color usually looked like the soft flowers. Maybe he's looking like a flower too.

From morning on wards the boy was praying that this person who has asked for his hand must be kind and good. Maybe it can be his escape from this hell. He can just pray for everything to turn out good.

His door slammed opened. There is only one person who slammed the doors like she'll break it, his aunt. Gulping the boy stand from his sitting position on the cabinet.

The boy half expected his aunt to like him in new dress but Alas! He expected to much. "Look at you, looking ugly as always." His aunt commented sharply.

"I will take you out now. Not a single word from your mouth. Let me do everything. Am I clear?" Nora spat venomously.

Taehyung only nodded feeling his heart tightening in his chest. Nora removes Taehyung's button bit from his chest as the boy's eyes furrowed. "No, auntie I'm not c-comfortable like this." The boy tried to cover his chest with his hands but Nora harshly grasped his arm and squeezed it painfully earning a small cry from the boy who tried to struggle.

"Shut up little bitch! I know what's better for you. Come now." Nora hissed as he dragged the almost crying boy out of his small room.

There steps came to halt which he assumed in front of the sofa as his aunt started speaking softly. "Here is the boy Sir."

Taehyung didn't hear a single voice but he can feel heated gaze on him making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Something happened when his aunt took in a sharp breath and hold Taehyung''s arm and moved him. Taehyung didn't understand first but soon his eyes widened in utter mortification when he realized his aunt is making him twirl so who ever the person is can get full view of his body.

Cold sweat formed on his forehead as he struggled out his aunt's grip and moved a step away from her. His hand clenching the end of his shirt. As the boy tried to understand the situation.

Without waiting for them the boy abruptly ran back to his room closing the door behind. Thankfully he knows the way around in this house.

The boy was on the verge of crying as he waited for his aunt to barge in any moment and beat him to pulp. He will accept the beating over marrying a man who wants him to twirl so he can get a good view of his body.

The door softly opened as the boy held his breath for his aunt's atrocities but large footsteps had his heart stopped beating. The person closed the door after entering in.

"That's not a good thing to leave the guests hanging." A creepy voice of a man spoke.

The boy's eyes widened in fear as he stepped back, his hand touching the cabinet behind him for support. How could his aunt let a man enter in his room. "Now don't be scared kid. I'm not gonna harm you." The creepy voice spoke again coming closer.

Taehyung felt his throat tightening in dread. This must be nightmare he thought. "W-who a-are you?" He stuttered.

A creepy laugh escaped the man's lips as he spoke. "I'm Lee. Your future husband. You probably don't know me but I know you since a year now. Your aunt kinda work for me. I asked for your hand in marriage but your aunt is a greedy bitch so I filled her pockets with money and she agreed to sell you to me." The boy was aghast at his confession of buying him. He couldn't believe his ears that his aunt sold him. "W-What?" A small whisper escaped his lips.

The man came dangerously close to now crying boy, a pungent smell oozed out of him as he tried to caress his arm and the boy flinched back. "D-don't c-come closer." He stuttered. "I don't care if you're blind. I'm to much older than you. A 50 year old married man with three kids. So it makes us even." The man spoke creepily.

Taehyung tried to ran out of there when the man hold his wrist painfully as he spoke harshly. "Don't run baby doll. I will take good care of you." He spoke nastily as the boy struggled harshly to get his grip off of his hand.

The man's grip tightened on his hand harshly as he slipped a ring in his ring finger forcefully and then he let go of him. "We are marrying in three months baby doll. I can't wait to have you all." He spoke. Chuckling at the crying boy as he left his storeroom.

The boy rubbed his hand ferociously on his shirt where the man has touched him. He felt disgusted by his mere touch. Bitter tears escaped his eyes.

Soon after the man left his aunt barge into the room. Yelling at the boy for disobeying and ill mannered behavior.

"How could you do this to me auntie! How heartless you can be to sell off your family's son ! A harsh slap had the boy falling on the floor.

His hand held his cheek where his aunt just slapped him. "Thank God that you are getting married bitch. Good for nothing piece of shit!"

His aunt crouched down snatching the ring from the boy''s finger as she marched away slamming the door behind.

He stayed rooted to his spot for like hours as he felt trapped in a prison of hell.

A month has passed in utter pain and despair as the boy awaited his cruel fate. Now it looked like a nightmare that vanished but deep down he knows after next two months his life will be sealed away to that creepy man.

A 21 old boy will be forced to get married to a fifty year old man, who already have a family. Just because he's blind.

Yesterday his aunt had told him to get ready as she will take Taehyung to the mansion where she work as IU has asked to bring Taehyung.

Taehyung met IU almost five years back when he came here. Both the became friends instantly due to the same age and likes. Not once IU let Taehyung felt bad about his blindness. IU was so kind instead of those rich brats who think money can buy everything.

Well in his condition money do can buy everything. Sighing the boy tried to avert his mind.

A small smile appeared on Taehyung's face thinking of meeting his only friend with whom he felt like a person rather than a trash. A small blessing in his shattered life.

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