Chapter 58

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Taehyung was busy preparing dinner. He decided to make steaks today. He was feeling all cheery today because his rude husband just asked him to prepare steaks for dinner. It's kind of a success for him.

Even though he never compliments his food but the way he would eat everything up made it clear to him how much he liked his hand made food.

His mood was good, and he was making special steaks today. He was in the kitchen preparing food when he heard someone entering the kitchen.

Who could be here at this time other than his husband. "Dinner will be ready in half an hour, you go freshen up." Tae said in his sweet voice not turning around as the food was on stove.

Tae felt the presence getting close to him as he felt a hand on his shoulder. His heart picked its speed as he felt his touch but soon his expression changed into horrified one as he inhaled his cologne.

He wasn't Jungkook!

The boy abruptly turned around and soon his honey eyes met with the brown ones, He sighed in relief but his mind was questioning why he's standing so close to him and why he touched him shoulder? He could've called out his name. "You scared me." He said with an awkward smile as he tried to move to the side to create distance between them but Jackson didn't let him as he placed his hand on the slab behind him.

Taehyung stares at him shocked at his sudden closeness and daring acts. "Move aside Jackson." Taehyung spoke sternly trying to be confident but his features weren't showing the expression of that jolly Jackson, instead he was looking dead serious.

"I need to tell you something." He said as his eyes went down to his Taehyung.

Taehyung tried to move from the other side but before he could stop him again, he pushed at his arm harder.

He didn't like him showing up without telling. He should've at least showed some manners like he used to but no, his face was giving him odd vibes.

"What is it you want to tell me?" He asked seriously in a bit angry voice to make him clear that he didn't like his behavior just now as he slow down the heat of stove so his food won't get ruined.

Jackson holds his arm and abruptly turned him around as he faced him shocked. "I can't do this anymore! I love you!" Jackson spoke loud and clear making blood to evaporate from Tae's system.

His widened eyes stared at his serious ones. He really wished it to be a prank but the way he was looking at him, cleared completely that he was dead serious.

His words infuriated him so much that he harshly pulled his arm away from his hold as he took two steps away from him. Disbelief washed his eyes, and he shook his head in negative as if disappointed.

"I'm your brother-in-law!" He shouted at him to make his mind understand, what is their relationship and what is he doing to it.

"I don't care! Hyung don't even treat you right!" Jackson spoke up with full seriousness making Tae's eyes to go wide. He let out a sad laugh in disbelief.

"You're calling him Hyung at one hand and saying rubbish to his wife at the same time. Have you lost your shame?" He asked angrily, completely infuriated at his words.

Jackson clenched his jaw as he grasped both of his arms and pulled tae to him making him gasp and fear started to form in his eyes.

"I loved you, before you even got married. It's not my fault that I still love you Belle." He spoke with sincerity dripping from his eyes and voice making Taehyung to look away.

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