Chapter 55

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Taehyung completely stiffened at that booming voice. Everyone stopped laughing abruptly as they turned to look at the source of voice. And it was none other than Jungkook with narrowed eyes.

Tae intake a sharp breath. "What it looks like?" Came the questioning voice of Jackson which made Jungkook to gave him an intense stare, and he didn't back down either, Jackson stared back with same narrowed eyes making Tae confused at Jackson's behavior.

"We were just chitchatting with your caretaker." Joonie spoke nonchalantly as if it's no big deal, and it's a normal thing for five men to chitchat with a caretaker, whom they just met.

Jungkook arched his brow at Joonie's perfect lie. "With chitchatting he meant, we were taking progress information regarding you." Jimin tried to handle the situation professionally making Taehyung to make an oh face at first and then nod in affirmation and it was not only him, who nodded but all of them did, making it look weirder.

Jungkook didn't say a word as he went to the fridge took out a water bottle and start drinking water, while eyeing them all.

"So when will he be able to come to office?" Eunwoo asked Tae, to make the situation little tense. Taehyung smiled at Eunwoo weirdly. "In a week probably." He said with a curt smile in the end.

Why in the world it felt like, they all are dears and got caught in the headlights.

Alright we are outside." Jimin stated normally as everyone nodded again in unison making it look at the peek of weirdest.

Slowly one by one they left the kitchen as they walked past Jungkook. Hobi was the last one as he gave a slight nod to Tae before going and Tae gave a curt nod back.

When they all were out. Taehyung didn't bother to look at him or anything. He washed the vegetables and started preparing for dinner. Now when everyone is here, he'll probably not let them go without dinner and this way, they'll eat food made by him for the very first time.

Placing the vegetables, he turned to get the cutting board but his face hit a strong muscular chest, and he backed up hissing. Rubbing his nose he opened his eyes only to find Jungkook hovering over him. A gasp escaped his lips at his sudden closeness, but he immediately backed up, his lower back hitting the slab

"W-What?" He stuttered, taken a back by his sudden scary attack.

Jungkook didn't utter a word as he scrutinized him with his narrowed green eyes, making him to abruptly look away.

He stepped closer now standing in his personal space making him to almost plaster back, his hands held the slab for support as his face inches closer to him making his eyes to widen.

"W-What are y-you d-doing?" He stuttered, but he came so close to him that he crouched back his upper body, just so there face won't touch, but he didn't stop inching closer.

When he was unable to move further back, and felt his lips hovering over his, he hid them in his mouth making him smirk and smile at the same time.

When his nose touched him, he abruptly turned his face to the side. "M-move a-away o-or I'll s-scream!" He stuttered angrily and on cue he turned the tap on and started washing his hands as his breath fanned the side of his face.

Tae's eyes widened and red creeped his cheeks in embarrassment. But what is this behavior? He could have asked him to move aside but no, he just hovered over him, invaded his personal space, took his breath away just to wash his hands.


As soon as he was done. He intentionally let his hot breathing to fall on his cheek. "You need a filter for your brain." He spoke in deep voice mockingly making the boy to gulp as he still didn't look his way.

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