Chapter 12

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He was in his arms and in next second his world turned upside down

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He was in his arms and in next second his world turned upside down. He was carrying him like a rag doll on his shoulders

He can hear the opening of the door. He's taking him somewhere. Adrenaline rushed through his system and he started hitting his wall like back with his tiny fists but the man won't budge and continued to walk out of that place.

When the cool air of chilly night hit him. His form started dreading what's coming. "P-please! Anyone help! HELP!" He screamed while kicking his legs in the air.

"Leave me! HELP P-PLEASE HELP!" He cried on top of his lungs, somehow his nails clawed and pinched hard at his back earning a slight grunt from him and then.


He spanked him on his butt. Tae stiffened abruptly after a jolt and his ears became numb with the stoppage of his heart. Blood rushed to his cheeks of embarrassment and disgust.

Jungkook smirked at his stiffness. He became stiff as statue and not a single voice came out of his mouth.

He wanted to sooth his butt with his caresses after spanking but that would probably make him run for the hills, so he controlled his urge.

As soon as he placed his in the front seat of his range rover he came out of his stiffness and his face became horrified. Before he could started screaming again he closed the door and child locked it.

Tae was scared out of his wits when he felt him sitting with beside his in the car and within no time he roared the engine to life and was speeding.

God knows where this man is taking him. What will he do? Is he going to kill him in some forest or something.

"P-please! L-let m-me go!" He whispered softly while large tears escaped out of his eyes. He was scooting towards the door away from him as if he's a cactus.
"I didn't d-do a-anything. P-please! I will not e-even t-tell a-anyone t-that y-you're a m-murderer and... and h-have a g-gun." He mumbled softly with hiccups, his large honey coloured eyes spilled lakes of tears.

Junkook just glanced at his innocent form for a brief second. And a small twitch of his lips from one corner indicated a small smile.

He stayed quiet and kept on driving, no sooner they reached his desired destination and he honked the car twice and some sort of large gates opening voice reached his ears and then he stopped the car with a screeching sound.

Tae felt his heart dropping to the pits of his stomach. His hands became cold when his warning of punishment with no mercy rewinds in his head.

He's going to hurt him!

"Am I a Ghost to you?" He mumbled calmly while smirking earning a fearful gasp from him. His eyes wide and face scared.

Shaking his head Jungkook got out of the car and in no time he opened his door only for him to be falling out. A shriek escaped his lips and he instantly holds his arms to steady him out.

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