Chapter 68

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Taec-yeon falls down to his knees as blood oozed out from his stomach and his hand clasped tightly around the wound.

Jackson has fired the shot straight at Taec-yeon. As he was still aiming the gun Taec-yeon.

Taec-yeon smirked ever so slowly as his eyes met with the frozen green ones. "You can't kill me!" Taec-yeon hissed as he coughed out blood and the next thing a shot was heard.


Taec-yeon killed him self with his own gun. Dying of the hands of his enemy was an insult to him. He didn't want to give the satisfaction to them, of killing him. After, all he attained what he wants.

His cold blue eyes stared at the back of his princess one last time as a smile spread on his lips. Knowing that he's taking him along with him and just like that he fell forward face first hitting the floor as life escaped his body.

Everything froze for seconds in slow motion. The world stilled. The wind gasped at the sight in front. And the clouds roared loudly with thunder. Stars and moon were kept in the blanket of dark clouds as the sight was heart wrenching enough.

That is when everyone stilled hearing a soft broken Scream.

Tae was shot by Taec-yeon!

JUngkook can feel his hold loosening on him as his ragged breathing hit his neck and dreading chills run down his spine as the boy slowly moved back. He was falling. His hand slowly letting go of his shoulder as he moved back a little. His beautiful honey doe like eyes staring at his face and his eyes landed on his green ones.

The depth of love and damaged soul in his eyes pained Jungkook's heart. He was taking in his features as if for the last time he's looking at him and just like that he blinked ever so lightly and the next thing he was falling back. His hands left him as he screamed. "TAE!!!" His chains rattling as they clashed loudly, his body shaking.

Before the boy could touch the floor. He was in Eunwoo's arms as he put his body down slowly. His own hands trembling as he saw blood on them.

Jackson was beside tae in an instant as Eunwoo held the trembling boy close. He felt wetness on his arms and Eunwoo knew he's bleeding badly.

Jackson was not moving as he stared at the boy. Namjoon was stunned on his place when rattling of chains had his mind working again, and he immediately started unchaining Jungkook

Jimin was on Taes side in an instant as he made Eunwoo to make him turn around, and he intake a sharp breath as he saw the bullet hole in his lower back. It's dangerous! Far more fucking dangerous for his spine.

He immediately placed his shirt on the wound and wrapped it around his body tightly to stop the bleeding as the boy groaned out in pain.

His hands clinging tightly to Eunwoo's shirt as he slowly looked in his teary brown eyes. "W-why a-are you crying?" He asked softly in a stuttering voice because it was difficult to speak.

The man let out a sob as he hugged him softly. "Please don't leave us Tae." He spoke with tears. "You n-never s-showed me M-Moon ga-young!" The boy complained in a broken voice making him cry more and then Jimin made him turn as he faced the ceiling now.

His honey orbs stared at Jackson whose dark brown eyes were teary as well. He raised his hand towards him, and he immediately holds it in his large ones. "F-find a s-someone Jackson and f-fell in l-love t-truly." He croaked out with difficulty making him to shake his head in negative.

"Please Belle I need you by my side to guide me find someone." He spoke with broken voice. His tears flowing out. "I-IU will h-help you." He coughed.

"J-Jimin h-hyung!" The boy croaked out. As he saw that Namjoon almost freed Jungkook and next thing he was carried in a bridal form by Jimin as he hurried out of the basement.

Taehyung saw tensed and concerned expressions on Jimin's face, and he mumbled in his broken voice. "H-Hyung, I w-wanted to see you marrying Y-Yoongi, i-it was one of m-my wishes. S-stay h-happy always." He mumbled with sad voice making tears to form in his eyes as he blinked to get his vision clear.

"Don't say such things Tae! Trust me, you'll be there on my wedding." He told him sternly making tae smile a little. It hurts to even breath. He saw from his peripheral vision, Eunwoo and Jackson running behind.

Jhope was standing all alert in the way and his eyes widened when he saw Jimin carrying a bloodied Taehyung. "Tae?" He spoke loudly in disbelief, his eyes widening in shock and concern.

"Tell Kai to bring the cars here right now!" Jimin roared loudly and just like that one of the man ran to inform Kai and get the cars as they were far from the scene.

Jimin didn't stop as he continued to walk and Jhope just beside him. Taehyung saw the sad eyes of Jhope. "G-Get marry h-hobi hyung, o-okay!" He told him sternly making a tear to slip from his eyes.

"Oh god please!" Jhope prayed silently for the safety of his Taetae and the next thing cars came flashing their way.

Eunwoo and Jackson sat in one car driving forward to clear the way.

Jimin placed the boy softly on the back seat and just then the door to the other side opened and very injured Jungkook sat in placing the boy's head in his lap.

Jimin didn't say a word as he along with Jhope sat on the other car and Namjoon sat on the driving seat of the car with Tae and Jungkook.

Tae saw Namjoon driving hysterically. "J-joonie h-hyung p-please tell IU that she's t-the b-best sister I ever had and y-you're m-my b-best brother." He croaked out making Namjoon to blink away his tears as he speeds more. "Tell her yourself. When you get better!" Namjoon spoke sternly making him close his eyes lightly when he felt it.

The cold, rough hand caressing his cheek and his eyes slowly opened as he looks up at the man of his life.

His beast!

His tormentor!

His husband!

His life!

Green forest eyes against the honey ones.

Tae saw he was wearing a loose shirt now but the front buttons were open and his shirt was completely drenched in blood.

His body was in pain, and he was loosing sensation of it.

"Y-you w-will be f-free of me now." Tae mumbled breathlessly as his eyes stared at him. His eyes flashed with pain.

"Don't say that Tae." Jungkook spoke, a tear escaped his eye as he wiped it with his thumb.

"I h-hope y-your m-memory never c-comes b-back. It'll be e-easier f-for y-you to m-move on." He croaked out as he pressed his hand at the side of his waist to put pressure on his wound.

Tears formed in his eyes as he blinked and a tear fall on tae's cheek. "This fucking Jungkook can't bear to see you like this then how will that Jungkook can see you like this!" He spoke angrily with tears flowing down.

Tae softly raised his hand to Kook's face and wiped his tear with his bloody hand. "B-big b-bad A-Alpha c-crying eh!" He croaked out making him sob loudly.

"C-can you l-lie to me for o-once?" He mumbled with tears now flowing freely.

Nonetheless, he nodded, yet he didn't know what he asked for. His mind was going blank as he cupped his face in his large hand and his other hand was on his hand that was on his back.

"S-say y-you lo-love me." He croaked out as tears flow freely out of his eyes and his chin quivering with lips trembling. A sob escaped his lips at tae's words. He wanted to hear him lie this.

"I love you Taehyung." He spoke and a small smile appeared on his face before his eyes became drowsy.

His heart was thudding loudly as he felt pain in his soul. How could he hurt this angel?

"T-thank y-you." Was all he mumbled. Not knowing that the words he said wasn't a lie but a complete reality with sincerity dripping from his voice.

"T-Taehyung! Please don't! Wake up Love!" He cried as he tried to wake him up and then screamed loudly. "AHHH!" As, he cradled his head in his lap.

He truly came to love his kitten but it was too late.

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