Chapter 62

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Taehyung woke up with a jerk as he heard loud voices coming from downstairs. He blinked his eyes several times as his sight adjusted to the light. It was afternoon, he slept so long.

His jaw clenched as he recalled his soft behavior yesterday. He lost his mind yesterday. Maybe it was because of the torture he went through or maybe cause of the pain he felt.

Physical pain can heal but the pain Jungkook gave to his heart was unbearable. The most ironic part was he loved him, and yet he did this to him. He didn't even care that he's destroying his own wife.

Last night, he left the room abruptly after hearing his words. His face was emotionless, his eyes were emotionless. He didn't get any emotion from him other than his soft voice.

A loud crashing noise was heard from downstairs, and he came out of his haze of thoughts. Without thinking much he immediately wore a pant under his shirt, and made his way out of the room.

As, soon as he got closer to the lounge loud yelling was heard. "Why the fuck you did that?" Came the enraged voice of Jimin as he slowly went near there.

Namjoon, Eunwoo and Jimin were standing along with Jungkook as they all looked angry. They were so engrossed in themselves that they didn't notice him.

"He crossed the line!" Jungkook spoke powerfully but in a calm manner.

"What line?" Namjoon asked, his voice laced with anger making taehyung to stare at them confused as to what they were talking about and most importantly about whom?.

Jungkook clenched his fists as he didn't answer but glared at them angrily.

"Tell us the truth hyung." Eunwoo asked seriously trying to persuade Jungkook calmly.

Jungkook clenched his fists more tightly as he looked away from them. "Just leave!" He said in a way as if it was excruciatingly painful for him to keep his anger at bay.

"We aren't leaving anywhere until you don't tell us why you beat Jackson!" Jimin asked in anger. His eyes furious.

"Don't fuckin-" Jungkook's words were cut in by a voice that was loud and clear as everyone's head snapped in his direction.

"Because Jackson confessed his feelings to me!" Taehyung spoke with serious face as he felt their widened eyes on him.

He didn't stop there. "Just because he confessed his feelings to me, the great Jeon Jungkook lost his sanity as he hit him." Tae spoke bitterly his eyes holding anger towards him making him stunned for a second.

No one uttered a word. Because now they knew that it was Jackson's fault in the first place to say something absurd like this to Taehyung as they knew how possessive Jungkook is but not this Jungkook who didn't even remember him.

"He should've known better than confessing to his brother in law!" Jungkook roared making his insides curl in fear, but he didn't back down.

Taehyung who was so welled up with emotions and rage that Tae didn't realise the three men gawking at his disheveled form.

"What happened to your face Taehyungie?" Namjoon asked, concerned as he saw slight finger marks and pinkish bruise on his skin along with that cut on the lower lips, that's healing.

Taehyung stayed quiet not answering as tears started to well up in his eyes, and he continued to stare at him in the eyes.

"Your neck-" Jimin trailed off as his eyes looked between the duo. His heart accelerated as he asked in a disbelief voice.

"What you did Jungkook?" Jimin asked staring at Jungkook who looked at him in the eyes for a second and then looked away.

Tears poured out of his eyes as he was unable to control them anymore. But he didn't let himself to completely break down in front of them.

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