Chapter 54

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Tae eyes shot up to his green ones and his breathing became uneven with the look he was throwing his way. Taehyung gulped, breathed in and then he smiled softly. "I've seen better!" He snapped in serious tone and then huffed, clearly stating through his actions that his hot body is nothing to him and it did hit his ego, right on the spot.

"Lunch is ready, lets go!" He ordered him nonchalantly as he started walking down the stairs with him following behind with three to four steps away.

Taehyung knew his cheeks would be flaming hot and why won't it be after all he got to see his husband half naked and his body was all muscles and tan. He needs to stop thinking about it, or in a minute or two he'll be launching on him like a horny wife.

As soon as they reached the dining table a tasty smell reached his senses, and he inhaled deeply. And the boy had made chicken club sandwich. He sat down on the head chair ready to serve himself when he literally slapped his hand away. Placed those club sandwiches in front of himself and placed a boring looking soup in front of him.

Jungkook looked at that plain soup and then back at then boy, who's sitting on one of the chair and eating that club sandwich like he's hungry for ages.

He didn't argue with him on that plain soup, because kook knows he'll start his medication and schedule shit and stuff. So he let it pass for his own sanity.

"You're on duty remember!" He remarked at him mockingly but the boy just dismissed him and resumed his eating.

"I don't allow my employees to sit with me on the same table while eating. Go in the kitchen and eat!" He ordered tae rudely making narrow his eyes at him.

"Then that's so wrong of you, from now on treat others equally, you're no superior and I'm not going anywhere!" He spoke in the same manner his did and it just triggered his patience.

This boy is literally playing with his luck way too much. "Stand up!" He yelled loudly making him flinch as he placed his half-eaten sandwich down on the plate and was about to say something when his words stopped him.

"Get the fuck out of here, right now!" He growled the last part lowly making tae stare at him with wide eyes that became angry in few seconds, but he must've seen the rage in his eyes or something else, so he quietly stood up, picked his plate and went in the kitchen not looking back at once.

In kitchen, Tae placed his plate a bit roughly on the small table and bit his cheek to stop the stupid tears. Of course this wasn't going to be easy. Why he's forgetting that he forgot him. He need to behave properly rather than behaving like an angry teacher.

Come to think of it, not one of his act is an employee like, and on top of that he's behaving like they are diaper friends. Like seriously Taehyung need to make his game strong. Play more professionally, maybe that will work.

Sitting on the chair, Tae ate his sandwich half heartedly, kinda just forced the food down his throat because his husband just made him lose his appetite.

He didn't go in the dining room until he was gone. Tae was glad that he went back in the room. He slowly cleared the dining table, took the utensils in the kitchen and washed the dishes. After cleaning the kitchen he went in the lounge and turned on the LED.

He turned on the Wi-Fi and searched few videos on YouTube regarding amnesia and its treatment and other stuff. He should know about this amnesia properly, so he could think of better plans on bringing his memory back. Tae was glad that he's in the room.

He kept watching video after video and didn't realize it was time for his second exercise of the day. Turning off the LED he went in their room to call him in the garden for exercise.

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