Chapter 49

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Lets get some Action................

Look what we have here!" Came the gruff voice of Choi Minho as he stared at Jungkook, who was standing confidently in front of the old man.

Jungkook was stripped of his weapons before letting him in at Minho's place. But the man was standing with squared shoulders as dominance radiated off of him.

He wasn't scared a bit.

"You want me Minho. Now here I am, let my brother go!" Jungkook spoke up as power radiated off of his words.

"What's the fun in that?" Minho spoke up smirking, making Jungkook to clench his jaw.

Jungkook hazily looked at the interior and got a rough idea of the surroundings. And as expected Minho made his man to hold Jungkook and place him in the cell, as they took him in the basement.

He didn't fight back, as he knew it would be useless and a waste of his energy. The man who was walking behind him, gave a push on his back making him stumble.

Jungkook abruptly turned around as he squared his shoulders, and circled his neck in a threatening manner, making him look extremely intimidating as he glared at the man, who looked smaller than his height.

With just one glare he made the man terrified out of his wits as he immediately wiped his sweat.

Jungkook smirked, seeing his effect on the man as he turned and casually walked in the cell.

As soon as those scared men left. The first thing he saw in the front cell was his cousin Namjoon.

He was all bloody with his hands chained to the ceiling. His upper body was naked and all bloody. Jungkook can easily recognize them to be whip marks. His body was limp, he was unconscious.

A grievous rage passed through his body, making his body shake in anger. They fucking hurt his brother. His brother!

His blood was enraged as for a second he was considering going rampant on them and killing everyone right now.

He tried to control himself as he breathed in deeply. He will surely torture Choi Minho before letting Sehun to kill the day lights out of him.

Jungkook didn't know what time it, as there are no windows, but he can come to think it's late night. Rattling of chains was heard as his eyes shot up to Joon who was slowly waking up.

His green eyes met his brother's brown ones and a faint smile appeared on Joon's lips, and he shook his head as he chuckled. "You came to save me Huh?" Namjoon asked as he hissed in the end.

"Why did they beat you?" Jungkook asked softly. As Joon's face hardened. "They were cursing you. So I couldn't bear it, beat that man to almost death bed, but they saved him and gave me this as a gift." Joon spoke dryly, making Jungkook to let out a chuckle at his brother.

"Now, I won't say that it warmed my heart." Jungkook spoke amusingly, making Namjoon scoff out loud.

"You shouldn't have come. I can handle this bastard. It would've taken time to kill that bastard Minho but I would've surely returned." Namjoon spoke so casually as if it is a mission of buying cheap groceries and then coming back home all happy with an ice cream in hand

"Sorry to ruin your plans bro." Jungkook spoke, chuckling, making Namjoon to chuckle back in response.

Glad, his brain is intact. Jungkook thought.

The days passed like slow motion, they were given a ridiculous type of food only once in a day. A man would come, place their paper plates inside the cell from the bars. Namjoon's cuffs were removed and his wounds are getting worse. They must get out of here and as soon as possible but before that Jungkook wants some answers from that bastard Minho, but that man hasn't shown his face until now and it's Jungkook's sixth day here. Tomorrow is the last day as the plan will take its action form. And he must do something to meet Minho.

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