Chapter 71

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Taehyung was discharged from the hospital after two weeks being admitted there. All the guys were always around him like his bodyguards and Jungkook never left his side for once. A nurse was appointed to help Jungkook out and Dr. Yoongi would come daily to cheer Taehyung up a little in that boring place.

He was free all the time but his mind was working like the fastest software system available on this planet. One thought kept on budging him all the time. He was made to lose his memory! That letter, Jackson's confession and alcohol made him do what he did. So, can he forgive him? He doesn't think so! He won't say, but he's petrified of him. His mere presence tensed him up. What will happen now? He doesn't know!

Now as he laid on his bed all he could think of different thoughts that racked his mind. In these past weeks. He didn't talk to him much just replying with yes or no as he on the other hand tried his best to converse with him a little, but he stayed mute

His wounds are healing pretty well, he can see it in his posture. His shoulders aren't sagged anymore, now they are squared with confidence.

It felt oddly comfortable to be back at this house again. Maybe because of the fact that he had considered it as his home once.

Taehyung felt like peeing and sadly there's no nurse here to help him to the restroom. There's no staff in his house at all. He tried to get off of the bed on his own but it was nearly impossible. He was still trying when he inhaled the all to familiar cologne and his body tensed.

Jungkook came into the room only to find his pretty little wife struggling to get up from the bed, and he was beside him in no time. He saw his body tensing, but he didn't stop as he crouched down a little.

He was about to scoop him in bridal style when he flinched and scooted away from him. He tried to stand again not looking at him once, and he let him. Crossing his arms he stood on the side. Watching him with hard eyes.

Tae was all to well aware of his gaze on him. With hissing and wincing, his feet were finally on the floor and as soon as he tried to stand and a pressure got applied on his back, he gasped lowly and was about to fall when two strong arms wrapped around his waist securing him from falling and the boy flinched but immediately composed himself as his tiny hands hold his shirt tightly in a fist.

"Why are you so stubborn boy?" He asked while shaking his head as helped him to walk. His soft body was attached to his as he guided him softly to the restroom. He could feel his erratic heart and heavy breathing.

He could feel that he's uncertain, with him being this close to him and it didn't settle well with him. But he's the reason behind it in the first place.

He helped him to the restroom. Even tho he didn't want to leave him there, but he had no choice.

He stood beside the door, leaning on the wall as he waited for him. In all this time he only thought how wrong he was to be so cruel towards him, knowing that he's his wife and before that memory loss shit, he loved him to infinity. His back and front was littered with scars given by Taec-yeon, but he couldn't imagine the scars that'll be on his back, because of him as he took the lashes meant for him.

His phone started ringing as he took it out of his pocket and picked the call. "Hello" Came the calm voice of Namjoon.

"Hello" Was Jungkook's simple reply which was not a shock for Namjoon as in the past weeks they've seen severe change in Jungkook.

"We are coming at your place." Namjoon informed.

"Alright." Was his small reply as a smile graced his lips thinking what happened two weeks earlier.

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