Chapter 48

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Surprise Double Update....Heheh and sorry for yesterday.....

The morning came soon then he thought as he was now heading to the hospital and Eunwoo was driving with Jackson in the front seat. He and Min young aunt are sitting in the back seat. Jimin was already in the hospital doing arrangements.

Taehyung was nervous, which would be an understatement, he was in panic mode.

His hands were as cold as ice and his heart was about to burst out of his rib cage.

They reached the hospital in no time as he opened his cane to walk as Aunt Minyoung held his other hand to guide him.

"You're going in there with the help of your cane, but you'll come back without its help." Aunt Minyoung spoke softly in Tae's ear, nudging him as a soft smile appeared on his face

Even though Aunt Minyoung was so depressed because of the happenings, she still came with Tae today. She knows Tae needs support, and she came instead of the circumstances. Tae couldn't thank god enough to god for giving him such nice people as a family.

They went into Dr. yoongi's office and the beautiful doctor smiled after seeing them. He guided Taehyung to the room alone and did his check up if he's ready for the removal of gauze or not and yes, he was.

"All the tests and vitals are fine, we can remove your gauze but sweetie please calm your heart down." Dr. Yoongi spoke smilingly as Tae gave out a nervous chuckle.

Dr. Yoongi took Tae into another room where everyone was already present. He made Tae sit on the chair

"I'm going to start." Dr. Yoongi told the boy softly, but he was extremely nervous as he gave no response.

After a minute or two Taehyung felt someone's hands holding him softly. "It's alright Tae. You can do it." Came the soft voice of aunt Minyoung as the boy nodded slowly with a small smile on his face.

Dr. Yoongi nodded his head at Dr. Jimin as if taking his permission. He nodded back at him as if to start.

Dr. Yoongi softly started to undo the gauze, with every loosening of the knot. Tae felt his heartbeat rising.

The gauze was completely off and now two cotton pads were placed on his eyes and were secured with the surgical tape. Dr, Yoongi slowly undid the tapes and the cotton pad from his left eye got undone.

Taehyung felt a surge of light through his closed eyes, the way he can tell it's morning.

"Keep your eyes closed, until I tell you to open them." Dr. Yoongi guided him softly as the boy kept his eyes closed.

Dr. Yoongi undid the second cotton pad from her eye and the boy gulped.

"Steady breathing and don't move your eyes much." Dr. Yoongi informed and Tae nodded.

"Now I'm going to put eye drops in your eyes, you don't have to open your eyes, I'll just slightly open them from the corner and then put it. Okay Tae?" Dr. Yoongi told him sweetly as he asked if he got it in the last words.

"Y-Yes." A low stutter escaped Taehyung's lips.

Alright, steady breathing." Dr. Yoongi said he took tissues in one hand and slowly put an eye drop in his left eye then in his right eye.

Taehyung felt a cooling sensation in his eyes which worked as relief.

Dr. Yoongi cleaned Tae's little swollen eyes from the sides and just wiped them clean. "You got beautiful lashes." Dr. Yoongi complimented, which made everyone in the room chuckle lightly as Tae smiled softly.

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