Chapter 42,Part -1

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Calmness of the sea felt peaceful as the sun shone brightly, making the water sparkle like diamonds residing in there

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Calmness of the sea felt peaceful as the sun shone brightly, making the water sparkle like diamonds residing in there.

The morning sun rays hit his face making him scrunch his face in annoyance not only on the intruding rays but also because of the excruciating pain he felt in his head as if someone is digging nails with a hammer. His head felt like a boulder was placed on it.

With extreme grunting he held his head as nothing made sense to his because of his jumbled thoughts and a drumming pain.

The sheets and bed were sweetly soft, making him realize it's not the bed of that hotel room or his house. Then where is he?

His hairs were messy as they covered his forehead. He slowly touched the loose thing he's wearing and his brows scrunched up. It's not his clothes and the long sleeves that were practically covering his hands and scent that radiated off the shirt meant only one thing that it's his shirt.

Why is he wearing his shirt?

His eyes widened as his one leg caressed the other making him realize that his legs were bare, but he's still wearing his panties.

A severe headache racked his head making him want to cry out in pain. Why his head is feeling like a boulder? He slowly sat on the edge with his legs down feeling pain after pain drumming in his head.

Never in his life he felt this type of pain in his head. God, please make it go away. He prayed in his head. As the door slowly opened, the boy was too caught up in the pain to know that someone just came in the room.

Here." A deep voice spoke, making him squeal and jump in his place.

"OH God!! You want me to have a heart attack?" He grumbled feeling his heart erratic. He just scared the living day lights out of him.

He slowly holds his hand and places aspirin in it as he gives him water. "Eat this you'll feel better." He told him smoothly as he without a question took the tablet and gave him the glass back.

He massaged his temple as he tried to recall yesterday's happenings but nothing came back rather jumbled voices ringed in his head. He only remembers till drinking his juice, and then he couples danced with IU after that everything vanishes from his memory.

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