Chapter 51

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We did, what we could

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We did, what we could. Now only prayers can do a miracle. Right now, Mr. Jeon is in critical condition. If he will not wake up till morning then I'm afraid to say, he's in coma." The doctor stated everything in professional tone.

"The case is not in our hands anymore." The doctor told them with a soft voice making everyone to crumble down with sadness.

That night was most painful night of his life. Every minute was torturous. They didn't even let tae see him.

Whole night he cried and cried. IU was beside him all the time. Trying to console but he didn't want condolences. He wanted his husband, but he was drifting away from him.

The tears he had all night were dried till the morning rise. The hospital became more crowds than the night. The same surgeon went in to check on him.

And when he returned, his tired eyes saw the same expression he bored last night and just like that his world crumbled down. He didn't need to ask that doctor what happened because his face says it all.

He didn't move from his chair. He stayed there rooted on his spot as everyone of the family members gathered around the doctor.

The same words of doctor which he said last night were repeated. "I'm sorry." Just like that he said sorry.

Everyone gasped but the boy remained unwavering.

"Mr. Jeon is in coma." Doctor said the dreading words he didn't want to hear. But hear he is sitting immobile and taking everything in.

"We don't when he'll wake up from that." The doctor stated professionally but his words were coated in sympathy and sadness.

A sob escaped from aunt Minyoung's lips and tears fall from IU's eyes. Eunwoo controlled his tears as his eyes were blood shot.

Pin drop silence was there. Nobody uttered a word as if the world itself ended then and there.

In this ere silence the boy slowly stood up. Not looking at anyone at all as slowly made his way towards the door of his room.

Jimin, Namjoon and Jackson saw him going towards the room. His silence was disturbing as he didn't look up at anyone for once.

Taehyung slowly placed his hand on the handle and with a deep breath, he opened it and just like that the door opened.

Entering inside with small steps, he turned around and closed the door behind.

He stood there for long minutes, his back towards his form as he closed his eyes.

How he yearned to see him for the first with his eyes and now the irony is that, he'll be able to see him, but he won't be able to open those green eyes of his, which he desired to see.

Gulping hhe slowly opened his eyes and turned around. His heart was accelerated and his hands were sweaty. He was expecting these reactions out of his own self when he thought, he'll see him but not in these circumstances.

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